Senseless Fights

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Maya exhales as she hears coo noises smiling.
She throws the blanket off her body going towards a crib where she picked up a 2 month baby girl.

"Hey, Mila. Hi, Baby," Maya said giving her daughter a kiss.
"Hi. Okay, let's get the day started," Maya said.

Maya quickly changes Mila's diaper before she gave Mila a breastfed.
Even if her daughter is like two months and a week and a half she really wants to breastfeed for until her baby is 15 months or maybe longer.

Maya smiles as she burps Mila begire she lays her down again.
She places a blanket over her along with a stuffed animal and her pacifier before she went in front.
She put the kettle on as she pulled out a cup putting in a tea bag and some boiling water before going back to her bedroom.

She smiled seeing her daughter was still asleep before she clbwd back in bed getting out her journal.
She got out a pencil and started to write.

Mila is at such a fun age right now.
Not very much crying but also letting me know when she wants something.
I can't believe she is already over two months.
In two weeks she turns three months.
It is crazy.
I've been thinking of contacting Josh again for a few days now.
The last time we didn't actually have it very well but I know he would want to know he has a daughter.
She looks so much like him and every day my heart aches at how they are similar.

Maya exhales as she finished her tea before jumping out of the bed.
She quickly got dressed before she heard Mila.
She smiled as she picked her up kissing her cheeks.

"Hey, Baby Girl," Maya said rocking her daughter as she grabbed a hair brush.

Being careful she brushed her hair out and opened the curtains before she, one handed, made her bed roughly heading to the kitchen.

"Morning, Hun," Katy said and Maya smiled at her mom.
"Hey, Mom," Maya said as she put Mila in her swing starting it up.
"Can't believe she is almost three months," Katy said and Maya smiled.
"Yeah," Maya said quickly closing and opening her eyes.
"Tired, Honey?" Katy asked and Maya nod.
"Kinda. I want to try again with Josh," Maya said.
"What about the fiancé?" Katy asked and Maya looked at her mother.
"They broke up. Or so I've heard. It was his decision. I can't go through another day without letting him know he has a child," Maya said and Katy shook her head.
"Mom," Maya said exhaling.

For Katy her daughter made the biggest mistake not just giving Mila her father's last name but also wanting Josh to be apart of his daughter's life.
Maya looked at the date knowing that college would be starting for him in two days but didn't know how hard it would eventually be to face him.

"I want him to know," Maya said and Katy exhaled.
"I paid a lot of money for you to eventually go to college. You skipped a year of school. What is next?" Katy asked and Maya exhaled.
"She isn't even three months. Give me time," Maya said.
"Maya, you only have limited time to decide. College is starting on Wednesday," Katy said and Maya nod.
"I know. But I'm not going if it means I won't see her. I'll figure it out another time. Maybe I'll manage to get into next year when she is older. But not this year. I didn't even enroll in anything," Maya said as she got yogurt and some fruit out.
"Maya, think ahead of plan," Katy said and Maya exhaled.
"Allow me to make my own decisions. Go, your work is waiting. We'll manage," Maya said and Katy was off.

Maya exhaled looking at her newborn daughter sitting aside watching at her far from asleep.

"Yeah, Mila? Grandma is noisy, isn't she?" Maya said as she smiled.
"Go back to sleep, Sweetheart," Maya said as she grabbed her phone putting on some soft classical music causing Mila to quickly fall asleep.

Maya smiled shaking her head as she jumped on the counter eating her breakfast.
She would never have thought that her daughter would be crazy about classical music or that would be the only way to get her to sleep.
Never in a million years.

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