Found Out

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Schools and colleges were starting today but as for usual Maya didn't have any big plans.
Josh wanted to spend to morning with her and Mila since he only had a class at 10 so it worked out perfectly for both of them.

"So, what do you want to actually do when you go to college next year?" Josh asked.
"Well, I wanted to do something like Cory but not sure if I'm still going to do that. Maybe something in business," Maya said as the doorbell rang.

Josh looked at Maya as he gave her Mila back before he went to answer the phone shocked at who he saw.

"Catherine? What are you doing here?" Josh asked.
"We need to talk," Catherine said as she went into the dorm seeing Maya with the newborn.
"Hi, Catherine," Maya said.
"What's going on... Don't tell..."
"She called last year to tell me she was pregnant. You have a hell lot to explain," Josh said.
"Um... I..."
"Yeah, what I thought. We'll have to talk another time. I want to spend the rest I'd the morning with Maya and Mila then I have a class at ten," Josh said.
"I can explain. She was a girl you were in love with and you were engaged," Catherine said.
"I don't care, Catherine. Whatever reason you had was absolutely ridiculous. Now I know for sure we are done," Josh said as Catherine went out of the dorm.

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