New Years

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Maya smiled looking as Josh was playing with the six month old Mila while she was busy doing some research on college.
Wanting to go into nursing she had to get good grades which she did but she also didn't want to be so far from her daughter.

"You gonna be okay? With college? I know this isn't what you wanted," Josh said.
"It's New Years Eve. I doubt we should be talking about that right now," Maya said.
"Yeah you're right. But can't we just enjoy the night then? The last day of 2018 and on top of that we then also will have to arrange some other things. Our daughter will be apart of our wedding. That's wild," Josh said as Maya smiled.
"Yeah," Maya said.

"Can't believe she's still awake at like 11:58," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"Yeah neither can I. It's almost midnight. It's almost the new year," Maya said as she saw how the clock was moving fast.
"Come," Josh said as they went to the roof seeing how it was seconds before midnight.

Seeing how the fireworks were going off Maya smiled seeing Mila looking at all of them while smiling at her fiancé.

"I love you," Maya said kissing Josh.
"Love you too," Josh said.

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