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Maya smiled as she looked how Mila was going around the small apartment. It was her daughter's last baby day before she would turn one. She exhaled remembering her daughter's birth like yesterday. It was mid afternoon when Maya went into labor. One of the most memorable days of her life. Maya had thought of calling Josh that day but with her extreme pregnancy it wasn't possible. Maya went into labor at 2pm on 19 June and 15 hours later at 5am on 20 June 2018 her sweet little baby Mila was born. She never thought she would go through that process again anytime soon but now it seems like she will.

"Honey, I'm home. Hello, Mila," Josh said picking up his daughter.

"Hey, Baby Girl. How was your day, Love?" Josh asked as Maya smiled.

"Good. Mila was nice and quiet. How was college?" Maya asked as Josh exhaled.

"Not worth all the worry. Let's talk about something else," Josh said.

"Okay then. I know we haven't discussed it yet but how would you feel about another little baby waking around?" Maya asked as Josh looked at her.

"What does that mean? Maya, are you... Will we..."

"I took a test just a few hours ago. I haven't even processed it properly yet but yes. We're having another little baby," Maya said as Josh gave her a soft kiss.

"No matter what it doesn't make us look incapable if we have 2 children at our age. I love you and I love Mila. And I love the opportunity to get everything out of the way. Yes, we may have decided that you won't go to college because you want to be with Mila but I can't wait to make you my wife and to have another little nugget," Josh said.

"I love you too," Maya said.

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