A day at the park

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It's been a month a already, since the triplets were born. Rao, did they grow fast and by fast , I mean really fast. Lena and Kara got worried by their abnormal growth, but according to Kelex it was normal, because of Kara's very complex DNA that they grew fast. They grew so fast that they are about the same age as Connor and Jonathan...So about looking like one and a half years old now.

The past month was rather relaxing. Supergirl was needed, but since the reveal...criminals and villains stayed low or either went to hiding. When the world found out that the triplets were born, they went crazy. Again interviews, fotos, articles and other stuff were asked from the Superfamily. What was also very exciting is, that Kara and Lena's wedding was soon!

At CatCo

Lena was at CatCo today, because L-Corp seemed to have relaxed and work wasn't so hectic as usual. So she's using the relaxed time to help her fiancé. "Babe, what's for lunch?" Kara asked, who just got out of a meeting. Lena was on the couch, with the triplets snuggled close to her and the pets too. "Ieiu!" Yelled the triplets in unison, who seemed very happy to see their Supermom. "Babies!" Kara yelled back and was tackled to the ground. "We missed you." Kyra said, with pleading puppy eyes. "Oh Rao, now I know how it feels." Kara joked and made Lena chuckle. "I missed you too, even though it was only for ten minutes." Kara said and kissed each child. "Ieiu, I want ice cream for lunch." Kian whispered and his siblings nodded. Kara started to laugh. "Little Superheroes, I would love that too, but mommy wants you to eat healthy first. Maybe for dessert?" Kara suggested and got happy smiles. By the mention of dessert, the pets heads peeked out out form the couch. "Can we have Chinese?" Kyril asked and soon, both women were attacked with six most adorable puppy eyes ever. "Okay, I'll go order Chinese." Sighed Lena in defeat and Kara huffed. "That was more difficult then I thought." Kara chuckled out, while the triplets high fived each other.

Not even twenty minutes later and Lena was back, with take out for a whole army. "Food!" All yelled and instantly super sped to Lena. "Oh wait, what do we say?" Kara asked, as she looked at the kids, who already had take out in their hands. "Thank you mommy!" They yelled in unison and gave Lena a kiss on the cheek. "You're welcome my peanuts." Lena said and gave them a loving smile. Kara then grabbed the rest of the take out and kissed Lena full of love. "Thank you babe. " Kara said and pecked Lena's lips once again. Lena just smiled and held Kara's hand. Of course, they all attacked the food and probably in about ten minutes, they were all done. "Can we go to the park?" Kian asked, who stuffed the last Potsticker in his mouth. Kara and Lena looked at each other and shrugged. "I don't have work to do, but maybe Ieiu has." Lena said to the triplets and pets. "Actually, I don't have anything anymore so we are good to go." Kara said happily and heard two barks, as a response.

With a little help of superspeed, everything was cleaned up. "Can we go now?" Kyra asked impatiently. Kara and Lena chuckled and nodded. Literally all of them just super sped out of the office and to the car. "They were very excited." Kara said and Lena just laughed. "Yup, we better get going." Lena said and soon was picked up bridal style by Kara and super sped to the car. When they arrived at the car, already everyone was ready and buckled up. "To the park." Kyril said, who was holding his plastic pirate sword. "Aye, captain!" Kara said and drove off.

At National City park

After a fifteen minute drive, they finally arrived to the park. Right when Kara parked the car, the triplets and the pets literally jumped out of the car. "You guys are very impatient today." Lena joked and got three pouts, which made her laugh. "Let's go." Kian said impatiently, tugging Kara's arm. The Superfamily walked through the park, well the couple did, while the triplets and pets were floating above them and fooling around. Suddenly the couple heard three gasps. "Playground!" The triplets yelled in unison and super sped to the playground. Kara and Lena just sighed. "They did get the Danvers stubbornness." Lena teased and made her fiancé laugh. "And they got the Luthor smarts." Kara said and pointed to the triplets, who were building a sandcastle, with their freeze breath. People were looking at their kids in awe and adoration. Even other kids went to them and looked at their sand-ice castle carefully. "Supergirland Kiss Luthor?" A little voice asked. The couple turned around and was met by a little girl. "Yes? Can we help you with something?" Kara asked as she ducked down to the girls level. She nodded and handed them a photo of Supergirl, the pets, Lena and the triplets. "Can you sign this, please?" She asked shyly and handed Kara and Lena the picture and a pen. It made their hearts melt and both nodded. "Of course and never be shy to ask us something. We love to help and make people happy." Lena said and gave a high five to the little girl, which made her beam a smile. Kara and Lena signed the picture and the little girl ran to her parents, with a bright smile.

"Mommy, Ieiu! Look" Kyra said, who was hanging on the monkey bars. "That's great Kyra!" Kara encouraged and soon joined her daughter. Lena found it funny and made picture of her fiancé and daughter hanging. The boys were on the slide, enjoying it. What Kara and Lena found really astonishing was, that despite their kids have powers, they didn't abuse them. For example the slide, if the triplets want, the could superspeed around it, making no other child able to use it, but they didn't...Like every child, they went behind the line and waited for their turn. The couple were really proud of the triplets. They were playing around and even played with all the kids hide and seek or all the other kids gave pets to the Superpets. But suddenly, they heard a child scream, who was falling from a tree. Kara did not have enough time to react, but luckily the triplets did. All three were able to catch the boy on time, before hitting the ground. "Are you okay?" Kyril asked, who was scanning the boy for any injuries. "I'm okay. Thank you." The little boy thanked. The triplets gave him friendly smiles and nodded. "At least you're okay." Kyra said. Kara and Lena went to were the triplets were snd the boy. "Thank Rao." Kara sighed out of relief. The triplets looked at their mother's and then to the boy. "You should not climb on that tree. It's very unstable." Kian suggested. The boy nodded and soon his parents came running to him. "Richard? Richard!" His mother said out of panic. "I'm okay mom. They saved me." He said and hugged his mother tight, while pointing to the triplets. "Thank you so much." Richard's father said and looked at the triplets. They just nodded and gave warm smiles. "And thank you Miss Danvers and Miss Luthor." The father thanked again. Kara and Lena smiled. "Oh, you csn call us Kara and Lena. You're welcome, but the triplets did the rescue." Lena said, as she went hug them. Eventually Richard's family thanked the Superfamily and left the park.

Soon it was also time for the Superfamily to head home. "I'm so proud of you." Kara said and kissed each child and then gave them a bone crushing hug. "We got that from you and mommy." Kyril said and made his mother's laugh. "You are our little Superheroes." Lena said and kissed the triplets foreheads. The peanuts just smiled and felt proud. When they got into the car and buckled up, Kyra asked: "Where to?" Kara looked into the rear mirror and said: "To the stars." The triplets, the pets and Lena looked at her confusingly. "Did you just really quote the Titanic?" Lena asked, smiling like a dork. Kara looked at her with love and gave a sweet kiss. "Yup!" The Super answered and everyone erupted into laughs. When the laughs quieted down, Kian asked: "Seriously, where are we going?" He asked, while his siblings looked at him curiously. Lena and Kara chuckled. "We are going home, my loves." Lena answered and got three big yawns. Kara started the car and drove back home.

They did have a wonderful day at the park.

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