I wanted you...

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Lena got out of her car as fats as she could and entered the CatCo building. Quickly she ran to the elevators, but was too late and had to wait for the next one.

While Lena is waiting for an elevator, Kara on the other hand was leading a meeting. "So guys, have any idea what for an exclusive we could make?" Kara asked the reporters. They all looked at each other till one raised her hand. "Miss Danvers, we could write an exclusive about Lena Luthor. We have to warn the people, because she eventually came back to destroy the city or even Supergirl. She just went for two years MIA." The woman said. Kara and other faces in the room were totally disgusted about her opinion, but nobody showed it. "No, first of all that is not an exclusive. Second this is CatCo, we do not sell gossip, we sell the truth and facts. Third Lena Luthor is not like her brother. All she did over the past years was to make a name for herself and until now has only helped the world. If you were really a big fan of my work Irine, than you would have noticed about what I wrote about Lena Luthor and if you cannot accept it, then the doors towards the exit are always open." Kara said chill, but people in there room knew there was a threat behind her voice. "I'm sorry Miss Danvers." Irine apologized. Kara just gave her a look and then nodded. "Any other ideas?" Kara asked. Everyone in the room were clearly thinking, but then Nia raised her hand. "We could write and interview an exclusive with Supergirl, about the Superhero Academy she wants to open." Suggested the young brunette and it gave a big smile on Kara's face. "That's a good idea. Any others?" She asked nicely. All the other reporters agreed with Nia's idea. "Well then. Nia you can write the exclusive article and I will organize an interview with Supergirl." Kara said politely. "Okay people, go change the world!" joked Kara and the people left the meeting room.

What Kara didn't know is, that Lena was listening to the whole meeting. suddenly Kara heard a very familiar heartbeat in front of her office and she sped walked to it. There was Lena, waiting patiently for Kara. "Lena?!" Kara asked shocked. Instantly Lena turned her head and she saw Kara. The Luthor wore a bright smile on her face, to finally see Kara. "Hey Kara, I wanted to stop by and see how the CEO of catCo is doing." The raven haired said politely and she kept on looking up and down Kara. 'She looks absolutely hot in that blue suit.' Thought the Luthor. Kara was thinking if she is ready to see her and inviter her into her office. "Hey Lena. Can we take this in my office?" Kara asked, showing no emotion. They both walked into the office and Kara shut her door instantly. Silence filled the room and you could feel the tension between them. "I actually came to see you because I've really missed you." Lena said, soon her eyes started to tear up. Kara just sighed. "Oh really? Well if you would really missed me, then you would have at least called me or have sent something. But no, you just left me not even saying goodbye." Kara said coldly and it made Lena flinched a little.

"I think we should take this conversation in my apartment, because there is a high chance I might destroy something." The blonde said. "Meet me at 5, here's my address." Kara gave her a card where her address and time was written. Lena just nodded and left the office without another word.

5 pm, at Kara's apartment

The Super was waiting patiently for Lena. Boy there was a lot to talk about. She was reading through her noted about the Academy she wants to open, but she knew it would take years till it will be opened. The she got interrupted by a knock. Instantly she super sped to the door and there she was met by Lena who had a take out bag with Potstickers. Of course Kara made space for her to come in and Lena was absolutely amazed. "Kara your apartment is amazing!" Complimented the Luthor. The Super just gave a short smile, but the gestured her to sit on the sofa, where to offer table was full with files. Again as they sat, silence filled the room. The tension was so strong, that both felt it.

Finally Kara broke the silence: "I didn't give me a chance to explain why I hid my identity from you. Not only did I want to tell you that I'm Supergirl, but there was something else. But after you avoiding me, and I finally got the chance to see you again, I was met by Sam and told me you left. That day my heart tore into two and I couldn't fix it because you brought half of mine with you. I got angry that you didn't even say goodbye to me. For the past two years I was in pain Lena!" Kara snapped, as angry and sad tears streamed down her cheeks. Lena was looking at her, also crying. "I'm so-."

"You're sorry?! You came back to National City, as if nothing ever happened and texted me, as if you never broke my heart. I hid my identity to protect you from all the danger! Everyone who knows my identity have a huge target on their back's. I never cared because of you last name. I didn't tell you from the start because it was a huge risk. And I would never forgive myself, if you would get hurt or even killed, because of me. I know I hurt you and betrayed you, but my lying didn't come from a dark, evil place. It came from a caring, protecting place. My enemies can you the people I love against me and I was just afraid, that they will do something to you. Because I just care too much for you Lena, because...I-i love you Lena. I always have since the day I met you. That night when you left, I wanted to confess my feelings to you. But you left me..." Kara said that through tears. She had to say, she couldn't handle it anymore.

Lena was totally shocked at the confession, but she felt the same way. "I'm sorry Kara for not giving you the chance. I left because...Because I needed a fresh start. It was too much for me, so I left without saying goodbye. But I'm sorry Kara, I'm so sorry. But when I left National City, I've noticed that I've been craving for you. Kara...I love you too and i'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you and I forgive you." Lena said softly and hugged Kara tight. They both sobbed and held onto each other for dear life.

"I forgive you too...Lena." Kara said softly and look at her green eyes. Then they inched closer together and the next thing Kara's lips were on Lena's. The kiss was soft and sweet first, but then became more intense and passionate. They broke apart, since Lena needed air and leaned their foreheads together. "I wanted to do that for a long time." kara confessed and smiled. Lena smiled back. "Me too..."

"I've missed everything. You gorgeous eyes, your smile, your presence, your smell and...just everything. I searched for you around the world, but didn't find you. All I wanted is to kiss you and make you mine." Kara said as she rubbed her thumb on Lena's sot cheek, who leaned into the touch. "I've missed you too, love. I wanted you to be with me, but i've noticed that when I was on the plane. I wanted you, it's been killing me that you were not there to hug and comfort me. I've been craving for our touch, my dear Kara." Confessed Lena as she kissed Kara again.

As they broke apart, open blue eyes met green emerald eyes. "Lena Luthor...Would you be my girlfriend?" Kara asked. The Luthor smiled and kissed the Super again, this time with more passion. "I would love to me yours, love." And again they kissed.

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