Wait, what?!

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It's been already three weeks, since Kara's birthday. Both were really happy to have a baby and announced it to their friends and family. They all went crazy and couldn't believe it, especially Alex, since she was excited to be an aunty.

Over the past three weeks, their work wasn't that wild and crime rate was extremely low. So the couple used the free time to plan their wedding and go a little baby shopping. Lena's bump already began to show a little, so Jess organized that she could work from home, when the bump could not be hidden anymore. According to Kelex the pregnancy would be only six to seven months, depending on the solar intake. Kara and Lena knew that the baby would come pretty fast, since it had the same strength like Kara, so Kryptonite wasn't a problem. That also meant that Lena might also have powers, but only for defense reasons. Both were really excited to meet their baby.

At Luthor and Danvers Household

Krypto, Koron and Mithen were playing around in the training room, with Kelex, while Kara and Lena were planning their wedding. They both wanted to marry after the baby is born so they chose to marry in May. They had everything done, Kara's tuxedo was ready and Lena's dress has been already chosen. Even the rings were done. Kara chose a white tuxedo, with black rims, a black bowtie and on her left chest was a golden House of El crest stitched on it. Lena went for a rather simple white dress, that fitted her curves perfectly, on the front was a V cut, white flowers were stitched on her right side, the very back end of the dress was like flowing, when she would walk. Both wanted to surprise each other on the big day, so they didn't show their outfits yet.

"Honey, I think my bump was bigger than yesterday." Lena said, while she was rubbing her stomach. Kara was organizing the invitations, when she finally looked at her beautiful fiancé. "Rao, it did." Kara said astonished. Now they were making lunch together, and Kara was trying her best not to burn the kitchen down. Lena was making pasta and salad, while Kara made the sauce. "Zhao, what sauce do you want?" Kara asked. Lena was thinking, her cravings made her nuts sometimes and she would change her mind quickly when it was about food. "I would like to have Bolognese." Lena replied. The Super just nodded and got the ingredients ready.

It's been already an hour, the blonde was stirring the nice hot pot, till Lena yelled: "I wanted Pesto! Not Bolognese!" Kara got startled and was totally confused. "But, Zhao you wanted Bolognese." Kara replied softly, trying her best not to piss off her soon-to-be-wife. "No, I said I wanted Pesto!" Lena said, who looked very unpleased. The Super just furrowed her brows, showing her crinkle. "Oh...Mood swings." Kara muttered under her breath. Lena turned her head instantly and gave Kara a death glare. "What did you just say?!" Lena yelled. Again, Kara got startled and dropped a plate by accident, but caught it rather quick. "I said I will make Pesto for you sweetheart." Kara replied, giving up with arguing, since Lena can't do anything about those darn mood swings. Lena smiled again and gave a quick peck to Kara's cheek. "Thank you love." Lena said sweetly, as if she didn't just yell twenty seconds ago. Again, Kara totally confused about Lena's mood.

When Kara used her superspeed to make Lena's wish, she just gave the Bolognese to the pets, since they literally eat everything. While Lena got tired from all the cooking and went up to their bedroom for a quick nap, Kara had to deal with everything. After speeding around the kitchen and nothing was burned down, the food was ready. "Mithen, Koron and Krypto, food!' Yelled Kara from the dining table. It was quiet for a few mere seconds, till an ice blue, black and white blur speeded to the table. "You guys can eat. I go wake up my fiancé." Kara said to the pets and instantly, the pets in haled their food.

Kara slowly walked up the stairs and entered their bedroom, to find a pregnant, sleeping Lena. The blonde found it adorable and tried her best to memorize the precious moment. Slowly she sneaked to Lena and gave a soft kiss on her forehead. "Zhao, lunch is ready." Kara whispered softly and rubbed Lena's back. The Luthor started to stir a bit. "Five more minutes." Mumbled Lena. Kara just chuckled and found it super adorable. "Babe, the food will get cold then." Kara answered softly, trying her best not to make Lena mad, because mad Lena is scary. "You have heat vision." Replied Lena, who now clearly looked annoyed. "Is it okay if I carry you there?" Kara asked sweetly. Lena just nodded and in a second she was in Kara's strong arms.

The Super brought the Luthor down softly and laid her on the sofa, instead of the table and put a blanket over her. "You stay here, while I go get the food." Kara said and Lena just nodded. In a blur Kara was gone and back. "Her you go, fresh Pesto for my lovely fiancé." Kara said and handed the plate to Lena. In a minute the food was gone and Kara was really impressed. "You really must have cravings for Pasta." Kara chuckled and smiled warmly. Lena just gave her a smile and kissed her softly on the lips. "Yeah, it looks like. By the way, I made and appointment with Alex today at 18:00." Lena said, who chugged her water down. The blonde just nodded and ate her third plate finish.

After eating the whole pot, they all cuddled a bit and watch ed a little TV. Today was a quiet day, so Supergirl wasn't needed. Kara looked up the time and it was 17:10. "Zhao, we better get ready." Kara said softly. Instantly Lena stood up and went into their bedroom to get changed, while Kara used her superspeed to clean the dishes. The Superpets got themselves ready too. After cleaning Kara got changed herself and waited patiently for Lena to finish.

The Super's were sitting on the couch and Kara noticed the time, 17:40. "Babe, we need to go!" Kara yelled form the living room. "In a minute!" Yelled Lena back, clearly pissed off. "Well that means do not piss her off Danvers." Kara mumbled to herself and the pets just tilted their heads in confusion. After Rao knows how long, Lena was finally finished. Kara couldn't fly Lena, since they were both afraid about the baby and chose to go by car. All hopped into Lena's black BMW and headed to the DEO.

At the DEO

After a fifteen minute drive Kara parked the car into the garage and all hopped out of the car. The Super took the Luthor's hand and they walked hand-in-hand into the facility. Both having heart eyes on their faces. "Hey Alex." Kara said and gave her older sister a hug. "Hey guys. You ready?" Alex asked excitedly. Today they would know the gender of the baby and clearly everyone was excited. The couple nodded eagerly and all headed into the med bay. As they arrived Kara helped Lena to get up onto the comfy chair. The pets were on the floor either flapping their wings or wagging their tails excitedly. Kara got herself a chair and held Lena's hand to show support. Soon Alex got the machine ready and put the cold chill onto Lena's bump.

It took a little time to find the baby, till Alex said: "Oh...wow!" Instantly Alex got all of Kara's and Lena's attention. "What's wrong Alex?! Is the baby not okay?!" Kara asked those questions like a bullet, clearly worried and so was Lena. "No, no the babies are fine." Alex replied casually. Lena then practically yelled in surprise: "Wait, what?!" The couple had wide eyes and were totally not expercting this. "We're having twins?" Kara asked her older sister. "No, triplets." This time it was Kara's turn to yell in surprise: "Wait, what?!" The dogs started to bark out of joy and the dragon flapped her wings happily. the couple had tears in their eyes, happy tears, because they were not only having one nor two, their having three babies!

"This is amazing." Kara said and kissed Lena softly on the lips. "We must've had good sex." Lena joked and Alex seemed a little disgusted. "People, I'm still here." Joked the older Danvers and made the other's in the room laugh. "Oh Alex, the genders?" Lena asked curiously and held Kara's hand tighter. "Right, looks like...you're having two boys and a girl." Alex answered. Kara squealed out of joy and kissed her fiancé deeply on the lips. "I love you, the pets and the three little peanuts, with all my heart." Kara said, with love and truth. Lena gave her heart eyes and kissed Kara again. "We love you too, with all our hearts, always."

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