I want to see her, again

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At Kara's apartment

After the incident she was in total shock, that Kara just flew away, without a single word. It was just too much for her, even near Lena made her furious.

Right now she is lying on her bed, totally awake and overthinking about everything. 'Lena's face didn't change a bit.' She thought. Kara sighed and eventually she knew she wouldn't be sleeping tonight so she stood up and changed into her supersuit. Maybe a quick scan through the city wouldn't hurt and she has to anyway cleared her mind. Kara took a quick glance on her clock, that read 01:56am and flew off.

Soaring through the sky made her happy, as if all the weight of the world would be gone off her shoulders just for a few minutes. Up in the sky is just so peaceful, nothing is loud, the only thing you hear is the wind howling through the peaceful night. As she scanned the city, there was nothing happening and that made Kara smile. She wanted to have a bit of fun, so she she lapped around tall buildings, making loopings or doing tricks, as if it were her flight training, just a bit more fun. But then she stopped at one particular building that holds so many memories. From good memories that sent butterflies in her stomach to bad memories who made her heartbreak. She noticed that the very famous office still had light on and used her x-ray vision. And there she saw Lena, drinking some scotch and looking through the laptop.

Kara was debating if she should go check on her, but she wasn't ready to face her yet. After all these years it was just to painful. Lena tore her heart into two and she herself doesn't know how to fix it, because she noticed that Lena brought half her heart away from her. The horn took a quick glance and flew back to her apartment.

At L-Corp

Lena turned her head towards her balcony when she heard a loud swoosh, but was met by darkness. She really did hope that Kara would at least see her, but turns out to be the complete opposite. She was really happy to see her friends again, but she wanted to see Kara. While typing furiously on her laptop, her mind kept on going back to Kara. 'I should have given her a chance.' She thought. Lena started to cry and from cries it became to strong sobs. Eventually she cried herself to sleep, too exhausted from all of those tears.

The next morning, at CatCo

Kara was in her office checking through articles all the reporters sent her. But then she noticed that she still needs an interview with Lena. The blonde ran to Nia's office, who was typing very angry at her laptop. "Hey Nia, if possible can you get an interview with Lena? Because I can't go." Kara said with panic in her voice. The young reporter looked at her boss with sympathy. "Sorry Kar, I can't go, because you scheduled me to do an interview with Bruce Wayne." Nia said. The Kryptonian just nodded. "Oh right. Well it's okay i might find someone else. And oh, tell Bruce I can't wait for our next mission." Kara joked. Well it's true, over the past years she has worked with a lot of heroes, like Wonder Woman, Batman, Cyborg, the Flash, the Legends, Batwoman and even Green Lantern, and many more. They all became really good friends and have supported and helped each other.

The heroine went back to her huge office, that was once Cat Grant's office. Of course when she became CEO, she redesigned it, to be more Kara's taste. While sitting on her chair and checking if any reporters were available. She sighed when she noticed that they all had interview's or article's to write. But then she got an idea and went towards the person's office. Not long ago, an old friend started to work at CatCo, because he found out he really enjoyed reporting. He's known to be 'Booster Gold' in the universe, but in CatCo 'Michael Jon Carter'. "Hey Michael! You got some time for an interview?" Asked Kara as she entered her friends office. The young hero looked at her and nodded. "Hey Super! Yeah I got some time. What time is it and who?" He hugged his boss and Kara returned the gesture. "Thank Rao. It's at 11am and you need to interview Lena Luthor." She blurted out. The other hero nodded and gave thumb's, as a 'yes'. The blonde mouthed 'Thank you' and left the office, because a meeting would be starting soon.

At L-Corp

"Miss Luthor, the reporter from CatCo is here." Jess said. Lena looks up from the pile of paperwork. "Thanks Jess and call me Lena from now on. Oh, and you can send them in." Lena said nicely and gave her assistant a smile. Jess gave the gesture back and nodded, leaving the room and went to pick up the reporter. While waiting, Lena was hoping it would be Kara, because she's the only one who she would let her interview. But she has no idea that Kara is not only a reporter, but a CEO now.

When the door she wasn't met by Kara, but a young man. "Good morning Miss Luthor! It's really nice to meet you in person. I'm a fan of your work." Michael said and gave his hand to shake, with his charming smile. Lena returned the gesture, but was totally surprised. "Thank you. Umm, you may sit." She said and showed the seat in front of her desk. "Oh, so rude of me. I'm Michael Carter. is it okay if I record this interview?" He said very kind. The Further nodded and so the interview begun.

After about 30 minutes the interview was finally done. Lena was actually impressed by his questions, like Kara. "Thank you for your time Miss Luthor." Michael said. Lena smiled at him. "Nor problem Mister Carter. I was very impressed by your questions. You just have an amazing mentor." Complimented Lena. The young man just smiled. "Yeah she is amazing."

Lena really wanted to ask bout Kara so she did: "Umm Mister Carted. Do you know why Kara Danvers didn't come today. I thought she would interview me." Michael was absolutely confused. "Actually she couldn't come because she had a meeting to lead, new reporters to mentor and because she had to organize the upcoming CatCo magazine." He answered politely. the Luthor gave him a confused look. "Wait what? I though she was only a meant and reporter." joked Lena. Michael chuckled. "She was only a reporter before, but now she is the CEO of CatCo. And to be honest, she is much better than James Olsen. She knows what she's doing and has done amazing things over the past two years." The young reporter said, as if it were normal. Lena was surprised and amazed at the same time. hod the hell did she not hear about that?

"Oh wow. I didn't know that." She answered. they both laughed for a bit and then eventually Michael left the room. "I have to see her, again..." Whispered Lena to herself. So she grabbed her stuff, called her driver and headed off to CatCo.

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