Little peanuts

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January 10, 2021

Three weeks have passed. Three weeks since the interview! Lena and Kara were happy that the media calmed down a little bit about the reveal, but there was one problem. People have been pressuring them to post picture of their lives and both don't have social media...Actually they did, but before Kara revealed herself, they both chose to delete their accounts. Kara and Lena wanted their kids and themselves to have a private life and that they weren't always in the public eye. They even made a press conference to tell them why, they don't want to have social media. Many people accepted it and respected it, but there were a few who weren't happy about it.

Anyway, the three weeks everyone seemed well. Alex and Kelly chose to adopt a German Shepherd, they named him Blaze. He's a adorable puppy, with hazel eyes and soft black, brown fur. Ashley and him got along with each other and right when they met, they became the bets of friends. Even Blaze made friends with Krypto, Koron and Mithen, all four get along well with each other. Kara found him adorable and squealed when she saw him for the first time.

At L-Corp

Lena was in her office today, even though she should work from home. There was a technical problem in L-Corp and none of the electricians were abel to fix it. Of course she didn't touch a single cable until now, even though she is invulnerable for now...She was just worried about the babies that were growing in her, with an abnormal speed.

Lena, Krypto, Koron and the electrician, Florian were now in one of the labs, with the technical error. "Florian, are there any cables wrongly placed?" Lena asked who was typing something in her tablet. "Hmm...Nope. All cables are in the right place. I don't see anything damaged or misplaced Miss Luthor." Florian said, who was checking every cable for damages. "This is weird. We can't leave it like this, this laboratory cannot have any errors, since we're testing new communication technologies." Lena said frustrated.

"Actually, one of the IC's are damaged. It seems it has been overheated and shut down the whole control system in the lab." A familiar voice said. "Kara!" Lena yelled gleefully and went to kiss her fiancé. "I'm happy to see you too." Kara said and kissed Lena again. Right behind her followed Mithen, with Chinese take out and Kara got tackled by both Kryptonian dogs. "I missed you guys too." Kara said and petted both dogs. "Oh God, you're right...Umm...Miss Danvers. One of the IC's have been badly damaged." The electrician said, who held the broken piece. "You can all me Kara, Florian." Kara said and gave him a smile. The young man was shocked. "You know my name? Supergirl knows my name?" He asked, still shocked. "Yeah! I memorized all 50'000 employees of L-Corp, so I can greet them." The Super said, with a nice smile. They talked for a bit and at the end, Florian got an autograph and picture of the whole family.

"Can we eat now? Because I'm really hungry!" Whined Lena and made Kara giggle. "Of course, Zhao. The food is yours." Kara said and soon Lena ate all of the Fried Rice. They went up to Lena's office and talked for a bit, ate dessert and cuddled. But after an hour, Lena started to get pains. When she looked at her bump, she knew what was happening. "Honey, I think their coming." Lena said, wth a hint of panic in her voice. "What's coming?" Kara asked, totally clueless. Lena couldn't handle the contraction and yelled: "The babies!" Kara practically sprung out of the couch, also the pets and carried Lena bridal style. Supergirl and the Superpets flew out of the balcony, while Kara was carrying Lena in her arms, trying her best to sooth her.

At the DEO

Just a few minutes and Kara, the pets and Lena landed into the facility. "Alex! The babies are ready!" Kara yelled from across the room and the older Danvers started to order doctors and nurses to get ready. "Oh God..okay. Bring Lena into the operation room. Now!" Alex demanded her sister and in a gush, they were all gone. Kara laid Lena softly onto the birth stool. Right on time, Alex, midwives, doctors and nurses entered the room. "Everyone get ready!" Alex yelled from the room, while putting on surgical gloves. "Director, Miss Luthor is dilated to ten centimeters. The babes are ready." A doctor said. Lena looked in pain and Kara was really worried. Lena was holding Kara's hand tight, afraid of letting go. Nobody was expecting this...The babies due date is in two weeks, their two weeks early.

Alex yelled: "Lena Push! Push!" Lena was trying her best, her forehead was sweaty and she was in pain. Kara held her tight and said soothing words into her ear to make her relax. "Babe, you can do this." encouraged Kara and after a few pushes , the first baby was out. "The very first is a boy!" Alex said happily and gave the little baby boy to a midwife for clean up. The couple sighed in relief, till they noticed...two more were coming.

After hard pushes and sweating, all three babies were out. The very first was a boy, the second a girl and the third a boy. All three had 30 seconds difference. Kara kissed Lena, who was so proud of her. "I love you, so so much." Kara said, who looked at Lena with love. "I love you too." Answered Lena, who looked knocked out, but love clear in her voice. Kara eventually went to the babies and cut the umbilical cord. When all there babes were neatly cleaned and wrapped in towels, Alex handed them to Kara. "I am an aunty." Whispered Alex out of joy and made Kara smile. The Super kissed each baby on the forehead and walked over to Lena. Alex left the room to give them privacy, even the pets waited outside the room very patiently. Carefully Kara laid all three babies onto Lena. The bed was really big, customized for Lena and Kara since they always sleep on the same bed if one is hurt. Kara scooted onto the bed, and found it adorable how all three were on Lena, sleeping peacefully. "They are beautiful." Lena whispered softly and Kara kissed her forehead. "They are."

Just then, all three woke up and their mother's fell in love. The 'eldest', the baby boy, had black hair, but pure blue eyes like Kara. The 'middle', the baby girl, had blond hair with black strands, but had a right blue and a left green eye, she was the perfect mix of both Kara and Lena. The 'youngest', also a baby boy, had dirty blonde hair and Kryptonite green eyes, just like Lena. "Rao, they will be heart breakers in the future." Joked Kara and made Lena chuckle. When all thee babies saw their mother's, they smiled brightly, which made Kara's and Lena's heart melt. It was a precious moment for the couple.

Right then, the door opened and all three pets entered. Kara gave them a sign to come closer and showed all three the new members of the family. All three babies were looking at the pets attentively and gave them smiles. As a response each pet gave them a lick on the forehead, which made the babies giggle. The pets got quickly got overprotective with the babies and welcomed them into their family. After meeting them, Alex went to pick up the pets, so they could go rest.

Kara looked at Lena and smiled brightly, with happy tears in her eyes. "This is the best day of my life." Kara said and kissed Lena deeply with love. "It is. Finally our little peanuts are here." Lena said softly, as she looked at Kara who was laying next to her, with all three babies on her chest, sleeping peacefully. "Mommy and me love you, little peanuts. Forever." Kara whispered softly and gave each a kiss on the forehead and held Lena's hand.

Finally they're here.

Always find each otherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora