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The Color we shared

Our eyes

His hair

It was the only color that I liked, because of him.

It's so vibrant and passionate.

He is so vibrant and passionate

He is red

I loved red

I wanted to date red

I wanted to marry red

I wanted to live with red

But now,

Tell me why that color is breaking my heart


the color of his hair

Our eyes

But now I only see it as his blood.

Pooling on his dorms bathroom floor

His blood

Coming from cut marks on his wrists and thighs.


The light of the ambulance being called late at night.


My red eyes dropping tears

The tears wouldn't stop

They tried to tell me everything was okay.

Tell me he was going to be fine

I knew that wasn't true

His physical red scars might heal

But his mental scars won't.

That was the intro to the chapter continue reading!!

Everyday since that night, I've been here. Sitting beside his sleeping body.

I remember when he texted me that night.

I heard a ding from my phone, waking me from my sleep, so I grabbed it.

Who would be texting me at 1am?

I look to see his name as the contact. I opened my phone and went to his message.

Shitty hair:
Hey Bakugou can you come to my room I messed up real bad

I decided to call him while I headed over.

"B-Bakugou..?" I hear him on the other line. He sounds like he's been crying.

"Yeah what happened, I'm headed over right now." I ask slipping my shoes on.

"I hurt myself really bad. I'm loosing a lot of blood. I think I'm gonna pass out." He mumbles into the phone.

"Hey stay awake for me okay?!" I shout and then shut my door. I walk to his door. "I'm at your door. Don't pass out on me!"

I didn't get a response. I push my way through his door and drop my phone on his bed. I open his bathroom door to see the horrific scene in front of me.

Kirishima passed out in a pool of his own blood.

The blood coming from his self harm wounds.

"Kirishima!" I yell going over to him quickly. I check his pulse and feel one still. "Hey come on wake up! This isn't funny! I don't wanna loose you!" I go and grab my phone.

I dial 119.

"My friend just tried to kill himself! I'm at the UA dorms! I will bring him out just get here fast!"

Then I call Pinky and Cheeks on a group call.

"You two need to get over to Kirishima's dorm right now! He tried to off himself and I need help getting him out front." I yell into the phone.

"Not again!" Pinky shouts panicked.

"I'm on my way over!" Cheeks yells and I hang up on them.

I put my phone back down and grab a towel. I place the towel on his major cuts, trying to put pressure on them.

The girls got here and Cheeks used her quirk on his to get him out front. Pinky went to get Aizawa and Mic.

The ambulance arrived and we let them take him.

I shake away the memory trying forget that horrific scene.

The Doctor told me he was malnourished and majorly damaged.

He had scars, cuts, bruises and even some burns.

He was so skinny that you could practically see his ribs.

The doctor told me he might wake up soon. Maybe a couple days or so.

I want to be here when he does.

I need to be here for him.

I've never felt this strongly for someone.

I love him.

I need to be here for him.

I don't want to loose him.

I can't loose him.

Timeskip(2 days)-
He hasn't woken up yet. But when he does, I'm swallowing my pride and giving him the biggest hug I've ever given in my life.

I hate hugs.

But I just want to hold him tight and never let go.

I hear the heartbeat monitor begin to make some faster beeping sounds.

"Kirishima?" I ask worriedly. I stand from my seat and walk towards him. I look over at his face. I see his eyebrow twitching, then his lip. I grab his hand for comfort, hoping he can push through this.

His hand begins to harden, off and on, in my grasp. I ignore it and hold his hand tighter. I don't care if he cuts my hand a little.

"Come on Kiri you can do this. I believe in you." I say in a low voice. "Please kiri I love you and I just want to show you how amazing you are."

He begins to groan in annoyance. Like you do when your waking up.

"Come on you can do this." I say hoping my encouragement will help.

He lifts his other hand to rub his eyes. I grip his hand tighter in shock.

"Kiri! Are you awake?" I ask hopefully. His eyes open and he just looks around for a bit. His eyes land on me and I smile. "Your awake! Your actually awake!"

I let go of his hand and pull him up into a hug. I hug him as tight as I can.

"I was so scared. I thought you weren't gonna make it." I say as he rests his arm around me as well, he crosses his legs so I can sit on the bed with him. "But enough about me. What were you thinking?! You really thought you could off yourself before you became a hero with me?"

"Bakugou.." he says quietly.

"What?" I ask suddenly concerned that I hurt him with the hug.

"Can we just hug? I don't want to talk right now."

"Yeah okay, but once we are back at the dorms you are gonna explain yourself." I say leaning back into the hug.

"Mm.." he mumbles with a nod.

I begin to try and make myself warmer with my body heat so he's warm.

Warm like red

Red like him

Random shows and webtoon oneshots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora