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Some angst mostly soft

I lay in my bed waiting to be called for a mission. It's not like I'm ever called except when Voltron is needed. They don't care about me, they only need me to form Voltron. They'll act like I'm their friend then they yell at me for a mess up. When they talk about important stuff, I'm excluded and left with my own thoughts.

They hate you.

They don't love you.

Nor Keith or Allura will ever love you.

Your useless to the team.

No one cares for you.

Your aren't anything special.

Your just Keith's replacement.

You'll never be good enough.

I choose to listen to my thoughts. I've never thought about telling anyone because they all probably think I'm annoying. Even Hunk will ignore me during important stuff. Of course he will come to talk to me afterwards and tell me what's up, because no one else will.

One day, I finally snapped. I don't know why I did it but I found a piece of glass and started to cut my arms and inner thighs. They don't have to know because they won't care anyway.

¿Oh mamá, que me paso?

(It's "what happened to me"
Did i do that right?)

I wake up to a knock on my door. I groan and rub my eyes from crying the night prior. "Yes?" I call out.

"Lance breakfast is ready."

"Uh I'm not really hungry, but thank you though." I reply. I just didn't want to eat, I was starving.

"Are you sure because you didn't eat last night either?" He asks concerned. Why is he concerned? I'm just a screw up I don't deserve to eat.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine, don't worry about me." I sigh, "it's not like you ever do anyway." I mumble to myself.

"Okay well I guess I'll see you at training?"

"Maybe. I'm not feeling to good, but I'll try to make it." No I won't because I don't want to get yelled at today.

"Okay I hope you feel better. I'll come around later to check up on you."

"No you don't have to. I'll be fine."

"I'm going to anyway so see you then." Keith says as he walks away. I lay back in my bed as tears well up.

He's not gonna check on you.

He's gonna forget about you.

Everyone will.

They won't even miss you at training.

The tears start to fall and I begin sobbing.

They don't care and they never will.

I walk into the dining room and see everyone waiting for me and lance. They don't see him and look confused.

"Lance said he isn't hungry and doesn't feel good, so I'm gonna check on him later. He also will probably not make it to training." I say sitting down.

"Oh I'll make him some soup. His mom used to make it and she taught me the recipe." Hunk says cheerfully. I nod at him and he heads to the kitchen.

I eat my food goo as the others talk. I look beside me and see lances empty chair and untouched food. I frown and head to the kitchen to keep Hunk company.

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