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I couldn't find the artist of the photo, cause someone posted this is some sort of blog so I'm not sure who made this so sorry! It might even be official art idk!

My mind starts going 50 miles an hour as I stand in front of my mirror.

I look skinny but I'm so heavy. Happy says it, Natsu says it, heck even my spirits say it.

Maybe that's why I'll never get a boyfriend, Just like Aquarius says.

I'm too fat and I'm unloveable. If a magical cat or a celestial still complain while when holding me, then there's clearly something wrong. I should cut down on food and start working out more. Maybe then no one will ever say I'm heavy.

I'll make a mental calendar.

Monday through Friday I can eat once a day. On the weekends only a small snack or my usual strawberry smoothie.

That's reasonable enough. Then no one can say I'm not eating, it won't raise suspicion, and I won't be as heavy anymore.

I feel myself get a little excited that I won't be to heavy anymore after I do this.

I won't be fat anymore.

My plan had been going great, so I decided to cut it down, a week or two in. This time during the weekdays I can eat every other day and on weekends only one strawberry smoothie, as a treat.

It didn't look too suspicious, and if anything went wrong I could use the excuse that I had a stomach ache.

I have also been working out a little. It was quite difficult without food before or after, but it would be worth it in the end.

And at this point the feeling of emptiness in my stomach was nice.

No worry about food poisoning, on a day to day basis, or the bloating I would usually get afterwards.

Everything was fine and I was doing great. Well I was until someone brought up my weight again.

"Hey Lushee! Can we go on this job?" Happy asks flying over to me.

"Sure, what is it?" I felt a little dizzy, but ignored it.

"A job where we have to..." I knew that he was talking but my hearing started to fade and my vision started to blur. "L... sh... at's... wro...?" I wanted to answer him but I couldn't. I started to sway and next thing I know I was falling, my eyes shutting.

My hearing was choppy, but I could hear feet shuffling and voices. I was being picked up and I heard a voice say, "geez, what is she eating?" Well that's what I heard, they could have been insulting me cause I blacked out after that.

When I had woken up, I immediately sat up and looked for a trash can. When I saw a small bucket next to the bed I was in, I grabbed it and vomited bile into it.

I guess not eating enough really does leave an affect on me.

"Oh my gosh, Lucy-San, are you okay?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I look up a little and see Wendy looking at me.

"Y-yeah.. 'm fine." I says breathlessly then vomit again.

"I tried to heal you but there was nothing to heal so I boosted your energy, it seemed to be very low." She says sitting on the bed, rubbing my back.

"Sorry for all the trouble I caused." I say sadly then cough out more bile.

"Do you know what could've caused this Lucy-San?" Wendy asked worried getting up to grab me water.

"No, nothing I can think of." I say when I got a chance. I felt awful lying to Wendy but I couldn't worry her.

"Well in any case when you eat, eat dry food like toast and rice, it'll help stop the vomiting. Bananas and applesauce are also good." She said handing me the cup of water.

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