Chapter 13

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Hey guys! Im sorry I haven't updated in so long.

Anyways, if you guys ever read this, here's whats going on in my life.

So, my bike has absolutely no brakes, one of the front brake pads came off, I've grown out of it, and I just don't like it anymore. Anyways, I asked my mom for a new one and she said to ask my dad, I have split parents, so, I mean like why should my dad buy my bike if hes never actually gonna see it anyway? It's just not ok. They also expect my dad to pay half the price for my braces even though they can afford that right now, because in Ontario here, invisalign is $110 a month or $2495 upfront. They have enough for it because my mom gets $750 a month from my dad, money from the government for me, and she has a job, so tell me that's not enough? And we are living with my grandparents, so they pay the bills most of the time. So I guess I know what Im saving up for...

Anyways. How's life for you?

Word count: 863


'Sky, I need you to go to the pack house and get any pack member and tell them I'm by the west wing at the river, they'll know what to do.' I saw her run away and continued to fight off the crazed wolf.

Sky's POV

I ran to the pack house and tried to find someone. Soon I found someone, I think it was one of the warriors. Perfect!

"Help! Mason!... West... Wing... By.. River" I said out of breath.

"Thank you for telling us Luna! We will get there straight away." He walks away towards the door, "WARRIORS ALPHA IN TROUBLE" I hear footsteps coming.. lots of footsteps. 

I flinched at the loud footsteps coming down the hallway towards me and ran out the door. I was leading the way to Mason. It felt good to be in front. It just felt... Right

We reached to where Mason was and the warriors ran towards the angered and rabid wolf, killing it very quietly and softly, I have no clue why though, Alpha always shredded them apart.

"W-Why did you k-kill him quickly so he c-couldn't feel it?

"He was rabid, he lost his mate, and he was a pack member" Mason said softly as to not scare me, which worked for some reason.

"O-O-Oh ok"

After that we walked back to the pack house and we went into masons room and started watching movies. 

In the middle of a movie, Mason looks up and starts talking to me 

"Hey, how about we go shopping tomorrow? We never got to go shopping for you last time. sound good?"

"Y-Yeah sounds great!" I said getting excited for tomorrow, alpha never let me go shopping for new clothes, I'll make sure not to get expensive stuff so Mason doesn't get angry and change his mind about getting me new clothes.

The movie ended and mason put on another one. He was on the couch and I was on the bed. again. I watched some of the movie before I looked over at mason to find him sleeping. I slowly and carefully went over to the tv to shut it off I looked over at mason because I heard him whimper, he was whimpering in his sleep, I went over to him and gently touched his shoulder.

'N-No.. please don't t-touch her! Ill do a-anything!" He yelped. 

I shook him harder. "M-Mason! wake up!"

In an instant mason woke up and put his arms around me, hugging me tightly. Making me yelp slightly and tense up. 

"T-they took you away f-from me, I was so scared" He whimpered into my neck. 

"I-Its ok, nobody took me a-away" I said hugging him back.

We stayed like that for a bit before he calmed down and asked me if I wanted breakfast. I said I wanted to and so we left the room to go downstairs. reaching the bottom, and walking down the hallway to the kitchen, he started cooking and he made Belgian waffles with original maple syrup, I added whip cream to them cause mason said so. I cut a piece off, and put it in my mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmmhhh, this is really good" I moaned while the food was still in my mouth. I saw Mason stand up immediately and say he was going to go to the bathroom. 'Hmm wonder what that was about?'

As he comes back 15 mins later, I am already done my waffle and already washing the dishes left in the sink. 

"You know you don't have to do that right?" He scares me after he stands in the doorway for some time.

Ok I think I'm going to stop it here. I'll have to update sometime later this week. Don't worry! I will try to get one up by Thursday! If not then I'll have to get it in a week from now, because I am away from home again with my friend at her cottage that I don't have wifi there.




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