Chapter 11

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Hey! I found another time to write again! I've been kinda lazing around my house today so I thought 'why not just write another chapter?'  So here I am.. Writing another chapter haha

Word count: 1676


I walked into the kitchen and started to make cookies for when my love wakes up. I remember when she was scared to go in here the first time she came to my house. She's learning to trust me though, so that's good so far. I hope she can trust me soon so I can do lots of stuff with her and take her on a date and to places she probably never gone to. Which is probably a lot of places, but that's ok, I will show them to her, whether it takes forever or not.

A couple hours later

Sky's POV

I woke up in my room, or should I say Masons room, I look around the room cautiously and don't see him around, he must be somewhere in the house. I look down at the bedside table and see a note.

Hey! Come down when your'e ready! I'm in the kitchen. Mason :)

Huh weird. I go into the closet where all Masons clothes are because those are the only clothes I have right now since we never got to the mall.

I chose sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt to hide the bruises and cuts. I didn't want Mason to see how ugly I was, my cuts, scars, and bruises are all super ugly. Everyone of them have a different story. 

I slowly creeped down the stairs, reaching the bottom, I turn the corner and not remembering where the kitchen is. Well I guess I have to find it on my own. I reached the front door and I retraced my steps from there, I eventually reached the long hallway and walked down it, hearing pots and pans clanging down earning a flinch out of me each time. I step into the kitchen to see Mason standing at the cutting board without a shirt on. Damn those muscles... snap out of it!

Mason turned around probably smelling my scent in the room, mixed with being watched. When he turned around, he had a knife in his hand, it looked like it had blood on it! Did he stab someone?! I need to run!

I quickly left the kitchen to go down the hall, I ran into a room, turned around and locked the door 

"SKY OPEN THIS DOOR!" Mason sounded annoyed and angry at the same time but there was a little bit of hurt in his voice too, huh weird.

I looked around the room to find a hiding place. I ran around the room a few times until I found a hiding spot. Under a shelf. He surely wont find me straight right now and maybe I can run through the door when he comes in an- 

"BAM" He got in.

He broke down the door!

He walked around the room for a bit, I took the chance when he was across the room. I ran towards the door... or should I say door frame. I got about 2 steps out of the room until I felt arms go around me. There was a hand that went around my mouth and eyes, I couldn't see!

"Shhh, I'm going to let you go ok? Do you promise to not run or scream please?" Mason said calmly. I nodded my head as best as I could. Mason, a few seconds later let go of my mouth and turned me around, still having his hands on my shoulders. He slowly then removed his arms and I flinched at his arms being up so close to my face.

"I'm not going to hurt you don't worry, I was cutting some tomatoes and I forgot to put the knife down." I nodded and followed behind him to the kitchen. I remember the last time I was in the kitchen, I bumped into Mason trying to back up and run. 

That memory didn't last long when Mason had picked me up making me yelp from the sudden touch. He set me down on a chair and brought over some food. What I'm having for food is waffles, bacon, and eggs. Am I going to eat all this food? Probably not.. But am I going to try and eat it all so that Mason doesn't beat or hurt me? Obviously...

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