Chapter 6

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Hey guys! So sorry for the wait!

Word count: 1000


"What else did they do to you?"

"I-I don't know w-what you're t-talking a-about, I already t-told you e-everything"

"Yes but did they drug you or starve you or do anything else other than beat you and touch you?" she said kindly

Something told me in my head that I could trust her.

"They w-would put w-w-wolfsbane in me e-every week so I-I cant shift"

"Is that why you were afraid of the needle?"

"Y-Yeah" I said shyly.

"Ok well, I will let you rest for a bit, and I will come back to check up on you"

She walked out and I waited for her to go farther away until I got up, ripped the needle out of my arm, tested the door to see it was unlocked, I opened it up and cautiously looked out, seeing nobody there, I ran to the left seeing an exit sign.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door to outside, I started to run again.

I got to the forest and ran, I got to the stream and washed myself in it, masking my scent with river water.

I started walking slowly, inching closer to the pack border. When I was just about to cross it, Mason came out of nowhere and stood in front of the border, effectively stopping me from crossing it. 

I growled at him. Bad idea. He growled back and I cowered in fear.

He shifted and I moved my gaze to the ground. Why do I have to live my life in fear? It just isn't fair. I wanted to be independent, rouge, live my own life.

"Look, if you're going to do this every time we happen to leave you in the hospital room, I'm going to have to be in there with you 24/7 and I don't think you would like that huh? I can easily bring my work into the room, watch you while you use the bathroom, put locks on the windows, lock the door, be in the same room as you as you take a shower, and only sleep when you are asleep. And don't even think about you waking up before me. I can set up an alarm for when you wake up, I'm the only one that can turn it off, and I'm not a heavy sleeper either."

"I-I'm sorry a-alpha! I-It wont happen a-again. Please d-don't do that."

"Well you should have thought about that before you started running away, now I'm going to do all of those things and you will not escape from me. no matter what. Got it?"

"Y-Yes alpha"

"Good now lets get you back to the hospital"

"P-Please no a-anywhere but t-there."

"Ok fine. We will go to my house"

That's fine with me. As long it was anywhere but the hospital. 

We started to walk to his place, it took us a good half hour to get there. 


I walked in with him voluntarily and started to look around, him following of course, but with me still being cautious of him of course. Like if he got too close, or he reached for me, I flinched back and cowered, only to see he wasn't going to do anything to me. I started to walk down a hallway, I started to smell amazing smells from a certain room, that had to be the kitchen!

I walked more down the hall to the last room and walked into the kitchen. i started to look around, forgetting about Mason behind me, I started to get anxious, I was never allowed to go in the kitchen, I got glances towards it but have never seen it. I started to walk backwards. Only to walk into a hard chest, I yelped and stepped away and turned around to see Mason. 

I walked into him, I was going to get punished now, I crouched down and bared my neck. looking down at the ground, I waited for the blow. As a few minutes went by, I looked up and Mason looked to be shocked. Why was he shocked?

"Why do you do that?" He spoke first

"I-Its a protective i-instinct i g-guess sir"

"Well nobody is going to hurt you here ok? I would never let anyone hurt you, and if I did, you have the right to run away and I wouldn't stop you" He said, I looked at him and all he had was honesty in his eyes. "Alright well, lets get you to your room shall we?"

"M-My own  room? I-I d-dont deserve o-one" At alphas, my room wasn't even a room, it meant sex, I slept down in the basement not upstairs with all the higher ranked wolves. Plus Mason could come in whenever he wanted to and have his way with me. I shivered at the thought.

"Yes your own room, why are you asking?"

"N-Nothing its just t-that alpha d-did stuff i-in there and i-i slept d-down in the b-basement"

"What kind of stuff?"

"I don't f-feel l-like talking about i-it if t-that's o-ok with y-you"

I waited for the blow for not wanting to talk about it, waiting for him to take me to my room and get it over with. He was much more stronger than alpha and I didn't want for the punishment to last long.

"Yeah that's just fine. Lets go to your room shall we?"

"Y-yes thank y-you"

He showed me to my room and it was huge! It had a big bed, a big closet, even though I dont have that many clothes. Actually thinking about it now, I didn't have any, I lost my bag somewhere in the forest when Mason and his pack found me.

That's all I could think of now, again so sorry for the wait, I lost motivation this week. Things going on at home again I guess.

Hope you liked this chapter like always.



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