Chapter 12

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I'm sorry guys for not updating and stuff, I WILL TRY my best to write more and update more but I've been in a state of mind where I cant escape and my birthday is in 2 days and I'm worried about how its going to go because Im spending it with my dad for the first time in 13 years. And I'm worried about getting him a present because his birthday is a day after mine. I'm just overthinking everything but I also cant get any sleep because of how much its bothering me.

Oh and thanks kids help line... That helps a lot... (note sarcasm) the live chatting isnt working, I couldn't put the link in but yeah...

Wow guys! Almost 300 reads?! That's crazy! Thank you!

Word count:


I needed to get back to Alpha but I didn't know how, I felt kinda safe with Mason, he hasn't taught me any discipline yet, which was weird. I don't know how anyone could go through life without any discipline.

The next day

Masons POV

After skys panic attack, Jake and I got her to calm down and shift. we layed in the grass for longer until she fell asleep. I carried her back to my place and decided to sleep on the couch while she slept on the bed, she deserves a beautiful, comfortable bed.

I woke up in the morning to see her sitting in a corner and shaking but I could tell she was awake by her breathing.

I walked over to her cautiously before putting my arms around her, I felt her tense but I just ignored it, I picked her up and put her on the bed.

She looked up and she started talking with wide eyes.

"W-Why would y-you give me your b-bed?" she asked softly"

"Because you deserve a comfortable place to sleep where I'm not, because you are my beautiful mate" I saw her blush a little at that comment.

"O-Oh thank y-you." She whispered

"Anytime love" I told her softly so she wouldn't get skittish. "How about I make you breakfast. hey?"

"S-Sure thank you"

I started walking downstairs and soon enough reached the bottom of the stairs. Heading into the kitchen, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and down the hallway to the kitchen. I hear the footsteps stop in the doorway and turn around. I motion for sky to come in the kitchen further and she hesitantly goes over to the table and sits down. I could tell she was getting more comfortable with me and I was happy with that.

I started cooking up some pancakes, cooking about 5 for each of us. All the while feeling eyes looking at me. I knew it was sky and turned around after finishing cooking the pancakes and putting them on plates, holding them in my hands I head over to the table and place down the plates, seeing sky flinch at the clatter of the plate against the table but nothing else happens so I just leave it alone.

I waited until sky started eating to start eating. Soon enough after seeing that I wasn't going to start before her, she started eating. Once in a while she would look up and then relax a little seeing that I wasn't moving to take away her food. Damn, I wished I knew what they did to her. I started getting angry and sky noticed and before I could even think anything through, I felt a little hand go onto my arm and instantly calmed down and looked towards the arm, following it up to find the person who did it, I looked beside me to see that sky got up and went over to me to TOUCH me and calm me down.

I pulled her close to my chest and said thank you. She nodded and walked to her side of the table and started eating again. I started wondering if it was just day dream. She just went back to eating so casually like nothing happened. Maybe it was her wolf coming up and doing it, and her wolf had made it so she had no clue that it happened at all.

We both finished and I said 

"Why don't we go for a walk or a run again and we can shift into our wolves and let them run around for a bit. How does that sound? Huh?"

"S-Sure let's go" She said softly.

We headed outside and went behind different trees so we could shift. I shifted and came out but when I came out, I saw sky out there still in her human form. I tilted my wolf head at her and whined, she looked confused for a second before realizing something and then quickly going behind the tree and shifting. She must've forgotten how to shift for a second there.

We ran around the pack border for a bit before we reached a little river and we layed there just enjoying life before we heard a twig snap near us, sky jumped up and started whimpering, getting behind me. I sniffed the air trying to figure out what it was and it turned out to be a rouge, I launched myself to the sound behind the bushes and saw a wolf with white foam coming out of its mouth. Oh I'm so sorry for this one, I recognized it as one of my pack members, this is what happened when their mate dies. They turn rouge and eventually go insane with rabies, I launched myself at it and it got to me first and bit my leg earning a whimper out of me but I didn't let it stop me.

'sky, I need you to go to the pack house and get any pack member and tell them I'm by the west wing at the river, they'll know what to do.' I saw her run away and continued to fight off the crazed wolf.

Ok guys, That's all I can think of right now, write what you think should happen next in the comments and maybe ill write your idea.



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