"Where are you..."

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-----> picture of the car ride home in the last chapter. (After he put her against the car)

Chapter 10

Danger's POV:

I drove down the un lit road away from Reed Manor and i rubbed my eyes. She really just let me have it for kissing Shelby back at the game.

I didn't want to hear her mouth anymore so i didn't want to stay.

I picked up my phone and went through my contacts and i hesitated on calling Rachel, but i needed to let off some steam.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

It rang twice before i heard her squeaky voice, "hey Jasey!"

I mentally cursed at my self for calling her, "hey Rach, can i come over? I had a long as day and i could use some of your stress relief."

"Actually. You can't because i'm over you. You never gave me the time of day and you weren't there for me. I have a boyfriend now. Bye." She said with venom pouring through her voice, before hanging up on me.

"Fine fuck you too, i don't need you." I yelled, even though i knew she couldn't hear me. It just made me feel better.

I let out a heavy sigh as i made a left at the stoplight that would lead me to the warehouse.

After a ten minute drive, i parked in the small ally next to the warehouse and walked in.

I didn't see anyone in the living room area, but before i heard a laugh come from up the stairs.

"Guys?" I spoke loudly hoping they would hear me and i wouldn't have to walk upstairs.

The didn't. Of course.

I made my way up the stairs and i heard Xavier laughing from inside the surveillance room. I opened the door and everyone was in there. Including some girls.

"Uh. What the hell is this?" I slammed the door behind me.

"Chill Jay we're just havin a little get together." Bradley shrugged and drank from his bottle of Jack Daniel's.

"Who's bright idea was it to have it upstairs, in our tech room, with drinks and you're drunk asses? HUH?" I shouted knocking over an stack of cups.

The girls screamed a little and Jack walked up to me, "it was my idea."

"You're a fuckin dumbass." I said straight to his face then turned to the others, "GET THIS ROOM CLEANED UP NOW BEFORE I SHOVE ALL OF IT UP YOUR ASSES AND USE YOU AS TRASH BAGS." I opened the door and walked downstairs and grabbed a beer from the mini fridge.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes man?" X came downstairs with the girls and they grabbed their jackets out the closet and left.

"Nobody. GO BACK AND CLEAN UP." I pointed to the stairs.

"Danger relax! It's just me." He threw his hands up, then his face changed as if he thought of something.

"It was that girl Kennedy wasn't it." He smirked.

"Fuck off before i smash this bottle upside your head." I threatened.

He didn't back down. He's not known for doing so, "what happened?" He leaned against the back of the couch.


"Nah she killed your ego didn't she. She put you in your place." He nodded and walked up to me.

"Go fuck yourself Xavier." I took my gun out that i had behind my shirt the whole day and pointed it in between his eyes.

"Alright i'm sorry. I just don't think you should read to much into it. If you did something wrong, fix it." He shrugged and walked back upstairs grabbing the industrial sized black trash bags.

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