"Are you going to tell me your name this time?"

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Chapter 3




"Yes." My beautiful mother Rose stood in front of me dress in all white.

"I miss you so much!" Tears began to fall down my cheeks.

"I miss you too sweetie."

"I wish you never died in that car accident...."

She stood their confused, "Car accident huh? Is that what your father told you?"

"Wait wha- mom?"

She was gone just like that. I started hearing other voices. Male voices.

**End Of Vision**

I would've tried to see who was standing in front of me if i didn't have this nasty potato-smelly bag on my head. This is disgusting, i'm about ready to puke. I was sitting in total darkness so i don't think i would've been able to see anyways.

All of a sudden, there was light shining through the bag. I tried moving my arms and legs but they were tied tight this time. I felt someone pinch the top of the bag and my hair in attempt to pull off the bag. Pulling my hair with it, the bag came off my head, revealing Nikolai sitting in a chair in front of me with the same knife he used to cut my arm during our previous encounter. If he gets one drop of blood on my uniform i swear he'll regret it.


Danger's Point of View:

"DUDE PLEASE! I WAS TOLD TO STEAL BY MY BOSS!" The 20-something year old pleaded for his life as it rested in my very hands.

"What's your name." Bradley kneeled down to the mans' eye level.

"J...Josh Nyle. Please don't kill me." He lied straight through his messed up teeth.

"Who's your boss? Josh Nyle." B asked again.

"I... I can't... tell you." He trembled between his words.

Bradley obviously didn't see past his fibs. I stood up and moved Bradley, then the man really got scared.

"Danger... P-please."

"Your boss just got you killed, Raymond." I grinned, reaching behind my back.


Raymond Anderson was his real name. He used to be in my crew, but the little bitch turned out to be a scout for a rival crew. I should've ended his pathetic little life when i found out, but i had more important matters to deal with. So the fucker got off free.

"You walk in here, thinking you're going to steal my package for your boss, when really, your boss knows i will kill you. He just wanted to send me a message that he's coming for me." I laughed maliciously.

"Wait.. Wh-"


He failed to see it coming. I felt no shame in killing this little prick. It was refreshing knowing that one loose end is dead. I turned to face Bradley, who was standing there with his arms crossed.

"We could've gotten information out of him!"

"Nah. I already know whatever he had to tell me." I explained, looting dead Raymond's jacket, "oh look 200 bucks."

"You're just trigger happy Jay."

"Here we go again. B look, i understand you're too much of a pussy to pull the trigger, but that does not give you freedom to bash me when i have to kill all of your assignments." I stood up, reloading my pistol.

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