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---> picture of Kennedy

Kennedy's point of view:

Hello, my name is Kennedy Elizabeth Reed. I'm 17 and i live with father in Los Angeles, California. We are one of the wealthiest families living here in L.A.. Reed Manor is the largest lot that was for sale.

My father bought it when i was 14 for my birthday. My daddy is an amazing one, but he's really over protective of me. For example, i've never had a boyfriend because of him. He scares my dates away. Another example, i never get to go anywhere with my 2 best friends if one of them has a boyfriend that is going. My dad claims he knows how every guy thinks. I'm sure not every guy thinks the same daddy. But all of it is so unfair, i'm 17. But, my daddy has a right to be over protective i guess.

My mother, Rose Reed, was one of the most famous Nuclear Chemists. Basically she worked with the government in making nuclear weapons, bio weapons, you name it.

There was another scientist there. Nikolai Baskov. He was the smartest Russian chemist is Russia, then he immigrated to the USA when he got fired for some reason. He got the job working with my mother. I met him one day, he was kinda hot. Honestly he was. Don't judge. He was really tall and built like a tank, you wouldn't peg him for a scientist really.

Anyway's he worked with my mother on weapons to use incase of a nuclear attack from like North Korea or something. One thing was holding them back from creating the most powerful bioweapon ever created. It was was a poisonous gas, that went let into a city, or even a whole country, the citizens of that city would inhale the gas and be dead within 1 minute. Pretty serious stuff.

I'm not even supposed to be telling you all this. But it's a part of my story, so zip you lips!

Since i was 14 at the time, i didn't really know anything about that stuff, i was just a freshman in high school. I didn't know about reactions and what not.

It took my mother a whole year to figure it out. She stayed at the lab from 7 in the morning to midnight, working. Nikolai was also there helping. My father didn't really like Nikolai. I guess it's that "Old Husband vs. Hot Young Friend" thing to my dad.

When she found out what it was, she made it a point to tell me the secret. She came to me looking scared, and told me never to tell Nikolai anything no matter what the circumstances were. She told me about how he was a Russian crime lord who was spying on the USA for some evil plan he had. I didn't quite catch that evil plan unfortunately. But i promised her that i would never speak a word to the traitor and she thanked me. I asked her why she had to tell me when she could've just kept it herself, and she didn't answer me. She simply just hugged me tight and walked upstairs.

Two weeks later, a month after my 15th birthday) my father called me at school. He never calls me at school, so i figured it must've been important. And what it was, changed my life forever.

He called me to tell me that my mother had died in a car accident on her way home from the lab. She was too tired and fell asleep at the wheel. The car went off road, slammed into a tree and caught on fire. The emergency people didn't get to her in time and she burned to death.

I was heartbroken and lost. My mother and i had the best relationship. I could tell her everything, i could even tell her about boys i liked! Obviously, she trusted me with her secrets if she told me the one amount of a certain element that was needed to make the most deadly weapon in the ENTIRE WORLD. My mom would always take me shopping with her, or whenever my dad was away for business, she would let me go out with my friends no matter who was there.

Nikolai has been looking for me ever since my mother died. He has came close but i was always around some one else so he couldn't take me. It's scary thinking that he can kidnap me.

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