Chapter 2

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You rolled around in your bed, unable to fall asleep. One thought kept bothering you. Who the heck is karkat? Every time you closed your eyes, his image poped up in your mind. Its true, you have seen many wierdoes lurking in the shadows in random street corners. But this guy was.... different.

You got out of bed to get a drink of water, thinking that would help. Slipping from under the covers and into your cute (f/c) slippers, you head down stairs and into the kitchen. As you watch the transparent liquid pour into your cup, more thoughts about that wierd kid Karkat popped into your head.

"Will I see him again?" "Maybe we could be friends?" "What's with the horns?"

You were interupted by the pool of water on the floor that you have accidentally created.

"Shit..." you mumbled, getting a paper towel and wiping the floor. As you went to throw it out, you noticed that the thrash can was full. "Fan fucking tastic." You grabbed the bag and went outside to throw it out. Just as you were heading back in, you heard a sound of breaking glass from the street corners.

"(y/n), don't do this. You know that you will regret it," you thought to yourself. However your feet thought othervise. You sneaked towards the street corner as you started hearing voices. As you got closer, you felt something familiar about one of them. You couldnt quite make out what they were saying though. "Stop yourself before its to late," you kept saying, but your body wouldnt respond.

You got just close enough to make out a few phrases.

"Fuck off........... I told you" was what you could make out from one of the more familiar voices.

" were talking to.......................seemed pretty cute......................." was all you could make out from the other voice.

You couldnt help but wonder who they were. You shuddered, the wind blowing on your bare shoulders. "Damn i should have wore a jacket" you thought.

Your train of thought was interrupted by another sound of smashing bottles.

"Chill, I'm just asking." You could hear the unfamiliar voice say. The two figures started to leave. You wanted to follow but you knew that that was a horrible idea. All of a sudden, you felt a tingle in your nose.

"Shit shit shit shit shit," you mumbled, trying to stop the sneeze. Too late. Shit went down any you let out a hella powerful sneeze. You were never a quiet sneezer.

"The fuck is that?" You heard a voice say, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps. You had to think quick. Your house was right across the street, you could make it. Without thinking, you got up and ran, as fast as you could. You could hear shouting behind you.

This is what happens when you sneak out at night. You told yourself. Running in and locking the door behind you, you kicked off your wet slippers and ran upstairs to your room, trying not to wake your father up.

With this much adrenalin, you definitely wouldn't be able to fall asleep now. So you just decided to listen to some music for the rest of the night, while overthinking about the shit you just got yourself into...

Me: I am so sorry for not updating for so long. I had no inspiration what so ever. Sorry for a crappy chapter, I'm writing this at 2 in the morning. Yeah. I'll update more tomorrow hopefully. If I don't update in more than 3 days, someone please remind me

Heart Strings from the Medium (karkat x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant