Chapter 1

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Another boring schoolday over. The bell rings and everyone rush out of the classroom to get home ASAP. You place all your books in your locker and throw your half empty bookbag over your shoulder. As you step outside, you shade your eyes from the sudden sunlight. Your school logo was paved into the ground in front of your school. You attend "Clovelane High", or "The Royal Dump" as everyone else calls it. You are just freshman here but it already seems like you have been trapped here for years on end.

You board your bus and take a seat in the back. You never were the talkative type, so you take out your player and plug your earbuds in. You play (f/s) a couple of times on reapeat until you reach your stop. As you were walking to the front, you feel something under your feet and you fly forward. You face plant and growl at Eloise, who has once again made a fool out of you in front of everyone.

"Oh look, if it isn't our precious (y/n). How does the floor taste like?" Eloise taunts, making everyone on the bus laugh. She was the school "Queen", expecting everyone to bow down to her at her will.

"Keep your mouth shut Eloise. Or I'll.." You scowl at her

"Or you'll what? Call your mommy? Oh that's right! You don't have one!" She let out a laugh that made you cringe. Tears formed at the sides of your eyes. She knew how to hit someone's painful spot. Rather than getting into another argument with her, you turn around and get off the bus before anyone saw you cry. "That's what I thought." Eloise smirked as the doors of the bus shut.

You wipe away the forming tear and take your skateboard out of your bookbag. You plug your headphones in and make your way home, completely blocking out the outside world. As you make your way to your house, you notice a boy standing by the bus stop. He looked around your age. It's not like you haven't seen many strange people in this part of town, where every stranger may be a homocidal maniac. It's just something about him caught your eye.

You decided to make another round around the block, to see if he still would be there. To your surprize, he was. Still standing by the bus stop sign with his earbuds plugged in. He was different from everyone else. He had messy black hair and little yellow....horns? what? You decided that it was just a headband or something. He was pale skinned and had a cancer zodiac sign shirt.

After a moment of internal conflicting whether or not you should go talk to him or nah, the curiosity won. You hop off of your skateboard and fling it in the air, catching it and tucking it into your bag. You pause your song and take out your earbuds. Taking a deep breath, your heart starts pounding. To be honest, you never actually talked to anyone other than your dad or your mom, that was.. when she was still alive. You shook that thought away and made your move.

You walked up to the kid and waved a little hi, already feeling the slightest bit embarassed. He paused his song and took out his earbuds.

"Soooooo............ Hi!" You internally slap yourself for beeing so stupid. Hi, seriously? "Are you new here? I never seen you around before." You continue to internally punch yourself in the fae but at the same time, you wait for his reaction. He looks at you, a frown on his face.

"Yeah, I am new.... why?" He catiously looks at you, observing your actions. You feel like you royally fucked up already, judging by his cold reaction.

"I was just... wondering, you know..... You don't see many new people in this part of town othere than some homos roaming the streets..........." How stupid are you? That was the best you could think of? You really wish you could just fall right through the ground so you wont have to deal with any more of this embarassment. "Well anyways...... I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you..." You let out a weak smile, knowing that this can't get any worse.

He looks at you, his cold expression still plastered on his face. "well.... I should get going now, I guess..........." You turn around and let out a weak sigh, knowing how much of a fool you just made of yourself (Correct me if I'm wrong, Im not that good of a speller). You take your skateboard out and drop in on the ground, ready to head home. Just as you start to leave, you feel a cold yet soft hand grab your shoulder. You gasp from such a sudden move. (Once again, I have no clue how to say it correctly)

"Wait," a low toned voice called out. You turn around to face the starnge boy. "I'm Karkat by the way....." After those words he, who you now know as Karkat, plugged his earbuds back in and leaned back against the bus stop sign. You could have sworn he smiled for a second, or was that just in your imagination.

You head back to your house, with only one word on your mind... "Karkat."

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