Chapter 5

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       Forgive me please

       I haven't updated in a month

       I just had so much schoolwork

       and our school play is next week

       I'll write extra to make up for it


        You got home and decided to do your homework early, to free up for the weekends. You truly had a shit load to do. Peering into your bag, you take out your math notebook to get it over with. You never were good at math, but more at science. Skimming over your homework worksheet, you sigh as your mind tries to solve the series of equations. After about 10 minutes of just sitting there, staring at the paper, you decided to contact your good friend. And by friend, you meant your laptop. 

        Booting it up, you were greeted by the password screen. Entering the password,  your wallpaper pulls up. The image of a the scouts regiment symbol, a blue and a white wing crossing each other. You never told anyone, but you were a fan of attack on titan. Letting out a small smile, you opened up Google chrome and searched for the answers to the math problems. 

        An hour or so later, you finally put your pen down. Done. Quickly tucking the math paper back into your book bag, you got up to get a drink. Walking downstairs, you grabbed a bottle of Coke and grabbed a bag of chips from the kitchen cupboard. As you were about to head back to your room, you noticed your xbox was still on. You decided to reward yourself for finishing the math homework by taking a break.
        You grabbed a controller and took a seat on the couch. Turning on the TV, you noticed that you haven't turned your game off. The Link sprite still stood by the entrance to the water temple. You realized you were playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Smirking, you quickly zoomed through the temple and defeated dark Link. 

        Your father returned and saw you completely preocupied by your battle with Ganon. He smiled a weak smile and shook your shoulder just as the end credits rolled around. You turned your xbox off and greeted him with a hug. 

        "Shouln't you be in bed now?" He asked. You completely lost track of time, like you usually do when playing video games. You looked at the time. 11:35. You didn't feel tired at all, but you still went to bed. Laying there, you decided to watch a movie or something. Grabbing your laptop, you logged into Netflix and turned on the next episode of Black Buttler. 

        Completely unaware of it, your eyelids grew heavy as you drifted off into sleep. Your father checked in on you, to find you asleep. Letting out a small smile, he shut your laptop off and kissed you on your head. "Sleep tight my darling" he whispered and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him


Sorry for such a crappy chapter. 

Im having a writer's block, if you know what i mean.

I cant find anything to motivate me, at all

And i feel like crap


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