Chapter 7

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This chapter will be short because I don't really have time to update

My school play is tomorrow and I'm in a bit of a rush

But, enjoy what I have so far

Don't forget to comment what you think and leave suggestions for next chapters


You leave Karkat and Kankri behind as you head in the direction of the store. Karkat was talking about me? you think to yourself, a blush creeping onto your face. You never expected him of all people to talk about you. As you were lost in your own thoughts, you haven't noticed it has began to snow. You finally reached the store and opened the door.

The inside was warm and cozy, just like you remember it to be when you would go here with your mom... You shake your head and get rid of that thought before you start crying again. You smile at the cashier, paying for the groceries and getting yourself a pack of gum. As you step outside, you are hit with another gust of cold air and snow.

You decide to take the shorter path, as it has began to snow really hard already. Running through the streets with the groceries in your arms and the snow in your face, you don't notice the fact that you ran out into the street. It took you a moment to rub the snow out of your face and see the incoming car, honking for you to get out of the way.

You were paralyzed by fear and just closed your eyes, expecting the car to hit you. But yu don't feel anything, just the sound of swerving tires. As you open your eyes, you see a red SUV, inches from you. You were too shocked to do anything as you clinged on to your groceries for dear life.

You watched as a man who looked similar to Karkat and Kankri stepped out of the car. He was wearing a hooded sweater and had Karkat's hairstyle. He glared at you and started screaming jibirish mixed in with a few swear words just as Kankri stepped out of the car.

"Calm down Kasper! (That is the name I would use for the signless, considering the fact that he dosn't have one)" Kankri yelled at him, starting to ramble on. Karkat peered out the car window and started screaming at them both. This was turning into a mess as the Vantas yelled at each other. Their argument was interupted by the beping of the car behind hem, as Kasper started screaming at that driver too.

You strted to back up when Karkat stepped out of the car and walked to your side. You haven't noticed him until he was standing beside you.

"What the actual fuck were you thinking!?" he began yelling at you. You accidentally dropped your groceries and frantically started picking them up.

"I-I'm sorry..." you said, not making eye contact with him. He sighed and helped you.

"Let's get the fuck out of here before this huge ass mess gets any bigger" He said as you nodded in agreement. You both headed for your house, leaving Kasper and Kankri behind you. The walk was silent until the silence was broken by the sound of the car honk, which caused you two to jump.

"Yo, love birds, get your asses in here," Kasper said, peering out the window of the driver's seat. His comment made the two of you blush as you awkwardly shuffled into the car, you still were holding the groceries. You both took a seat in the back of the car, as Kankri turned towards the two of you from the front seat.

"Forgive Kasper here (y/n). He's a hot head," Kankri pointed to Kasper, who was now focused on driving the car. "Are you ok by the way?" he asked, directing the question to you. You nodded even though your hands were still shaking from fear. You were soon at your house.

"Karkat, walk (y/n) to the door" Kankri said as Karkat let out an annoyed groan, rolling his eyes. You tried to protest, but Knkri began a speech about how Karkat should become more of a gentleman and you eventually gave in. The two of you got out of the car and made your way to the door. Just as Karkat turned around to leave, Kasper drove off, winking at you two.

"That fuckhead left me," Karkat growled, burying his face in his sweater collarar. You let out a little giggle at his reaction.

"Um... do you want to come inside maybe? It is snowing pretty badly," you offered, watching the snow hit his face, which was a light pink. He didn't reply, but just followed you inside. He took a seat on the couch as you closed the door. "So... what do you want to do, now that you're here?" You asked, taking off your scarf. He shrugged.

"Well, do you play video games?" you asked him again. He gave you a puzzled look. You took out two controllers and booted up your xbox, plugging in the Call of Duty CD. as you gave him the controller, he started examining it and pushing the different buttons. It took you a while to explain the controls to him, but he eventually got the hang of it.

After beating him for the 40th time in a row, he raged and started rambling on about how humans are weird creatures and how the game was unfair. You felt bad for him, so you let him win once. "Oh no, I lost" you said, trying to sound as upset as possible. Karkat's face lit up, a smile forming on his face. He got up and hopped onto the couch

"I did it! I am unstopable! Try to defeat me now!" He rambled on about how awesome he was while you wee dying of laughter on the floor. "Yeah! I am best! Suck it!" he continued to ramble, running around the room with the controller in his hand. Your stomach hurt from laughter.

"I'll go get something for the winner," you said through laughs as Karkat continued to dance in the living room. You grabbed a soda and a bag of chips from the kitchen cupboard and threw it to him. He popped open the bag of chips and continued to celebrate. You never seen Karkat this happy before.

Karkat kept running around in circles, flapping the sleeves of his sweater everywhere. He tripped and fell to the ground. You laughed and went to help him up. He looked up at you, his face red from embarassment "What's so funny?" He said, puffing up his cheeks as you let out another laugh. As you were helping him up to his feet, you noticed something that looked like horns on his head.

"Karkat... I was wondering. Are those horns?" Karkat patted his hair down a best as he could, trying to hide them

"I-I don't know what youre talking about.." he said, his face red. You smirked at him and touched on of them.

"You know what I'm talking about" you answered. "why do you wear those all the time?"

"Ugh fine, you got me. I don't wear them, they are there from birth." He sighed

"You mean those are real?" You asked, shocked. He nodded. "You're not human then, are you?" you stared at him.

"I'm a troll" He said, giving you a sad look. "Please don't hate me" He frowned

"Hate you? What do you mean? I think thats awesome!" You exclaimed, giving him a hug. His muscles went tense as he blushed.

"Thank you..." he whispered under his breath, hugging you back.


Once again

I'm sorry for the short chapter

Comment what you think and what your ideas for the next chapter are

;o) honk

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