Chapter 21

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You looked at the trembling Karkat, slightly concerned. 

"Is... Something wrong?" you asked, knowing the answer already. He clenched the envelope in his hand before slowly walking up to you. You could hear his heavy breathing through clenched teeth. 

"(y/n)......... How did you get this?" he asked, his voice shaky. You looked at the envelope with the SBURB logo on it. It was the first time you have seen such a thing. You shrugged, wondering what was inside the envelope. "..........Promise me....... you wont open this. Ever" You gave him a puzzled look. What was so bad about it that it was dangerous to open. Did he know about this? You had many questions that you wanted to ask but you decided to keep quiet and nodded your head instead.

He let out a sigh of relief, though you could still sense the worry in his voice. 

"What is that anyways?" you asked, feeling slightly worried now too. He looked away from you, not saying a word.

"Its.. a game. Don't play it." he finally broke the silence. You were still quite confused as to why not but you agreed, remembering the promise from earlier. "Good........... I should go now..." he said, heading towards the door. He handed you the envelope, trusting you with it. Before he left, he gave you a small kiss on the cheek. You smiled and watched him leave your house, muttering something under his breath. As he disappeared from view, you examined the strange envelope. It had an orange house logo made up of 18 boxes. It was weird but it looked exciting at the same time

You remembered your promise once more and put the envelope away in a drawer. You let out a small sigh, being curious about what the game was about and tried to take your mind off of it by playing some video games. You have found a copy of the new game Splatoon in your room this morning but you haven't got the chance to check it out. You took the cd out of its box and popped it into your Wii U which you too just randomly found in your house. You never knew where these things were coming from but you always thought it was your dad so you never really questioned it. Free shit. Why complain?

You played the game for a while, pausing occasionally to check your phone. Every so often Karkat would text you, asking if you touched the game. Your answer remained the same every time. However, it became harder to keep your mind off the game each time he brought it up and eventually you decided to take a nap. Surely your urge to play it will die down by then. You shut the console off and walked to your room, falling asleep after a while of tossing and turning. 

You were awoken by a crash from your living room. You rushed downstairs to find the drawer containing the cds open and the envelope itself on the floor. A cool breeze hit you on the back as you turned around. The window was open. You weren't sure what exactly was going on but you were afraid. A shiver went down your spine at the thought of an intruder in your house. You reached for your phone to text karkat when you suddenly received a message from an unknown number. 

'don't' it read. you were unsure what it meant so you ignored it and opened karkat's contact. Your phone buzzed again. 'did you not hear me? I said don't'. You swallowed uneasily, sweat rolling down your back. You decided to reply.

you: 'don't what?'

???: 'don't tell him'

you: 'who? Karkat?'

???: 'yes.'

you: 'who are you anyways?'

???: 'that's not important right now. Now hurry. We don't have much time'

you: 'time for what? I'm confused'

???: 'just do as I say. grab the envelope and lets go'

you: 'go where? what? I promised Karkat I wouldn't play the game'

???: 'we can't start without you. now go!'

you: 'we? who else is playing' 

You piked up the envelope off of the floor and walked upstairs, still unsure if you were going to do this or no. You really wish you didn't have to. You promised Karkat.

???: 'you'll find out once the game starts. I'm sure you know them already'

you: 'Alright..... I still don't know about this tough...'

???: 'just start the game already'

You felt extremely horrible for doing this. You weren't the one to usually break your promises, but this seemed urgent. Besides, its just a game, right? 

Heart Strings from the Medium (karkat x reader)Where stories live. Discover now