Chapter 22

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10k reads already? 

when I first started I didn't even know a number that big existed

I'm just here to say


Thanks for the wonderful comments and so many reads

It means so much to me


Enough rambling

On with the chapter


As you inserted the 'client' disk into your laptop, a wave of fear washed over you. What if something were to go wrong? What if Karkat found out? But for some strange reason, something told you to continue. Your phone buzzed again.

???: 'Are you ready?'

you: 'I don't know about this. What is the game about anyways?'

???: 'Hehehe. You'll find out soon enough my dear'

you: 'Alright....'

You were staring at the loading screen for a while before the stranger contacted you again 

???: 'Now. I guess this I can tell you. Your server player will be John'

you: 'John? As in Egbert John?'

???: 'Yeah hehe ;p'

John was playing the game too? And what did they mean by server player? Many questions crossed your mind but you were snapped back to reality as the game stopped loading. You were back at your desktop, the wings of freedom staring back at you. Was this just a prank? It must have been since nothing was happening. Your phone buzzed again. 

John: 'Hey. I'm your server player for now'

You: 'Oh. Hi John. Say. What is this whole 'server/client player' thing about?'

John: 'Well. As a server player, I am responsible for bringing you into the game'

You: 'Into the game? What? I'm confused'

John: 'Don't worry. I did this before with Jade. This should be easy. All you have to do is do what I say and you'll be in in no time'

You: 'You played this before? Can you at least tell me what the game is about?'

You waited for a response from him when you heard the sound of glass shattering from downstairs. Oh lord. Could it be the person from before? You looked around your room for something to defend with. A chair will do. You picked the chair up and rushed down the stairs to your living room. You wished you didn't need to use the chair. You didn't feel like defending against some unknown enemy. 

As you entered the living room, you were faced with a strange contraption. Your phone buzzed again. 

John: 'The thing you are looking at is the Cruxtruder'

You: 'Uh.... How did it get here..? And what the heck is it for anyways?'

You heard another crash in your basement but you needed to know what this was before checking it out. 

John: 'I placed it there. Isn't it cool? The server player can do whatever they want to the client player. Like sims!'

You: 'If it wasn't for everything that already happened, I wouldn't have believed you'

John: 'Hehe. But you need to hurry. Hit the thing on top with something and release the kernel sprite'

You were confused but did as he said. Something to ht it with. The chair in your hand will do. You raised it above your head and slammed it down as hard as possible, causing the lid of the contraption to fall off. You watched as a bright sphere floated in front of you

John: 'Now prototype something'

You: 'Prototype?'

John: 'Yeah. Throw something into the kernel and it will be your helper for the rest of the game'

You looked around the room for anything that might be worth prototyping. The small angel statue caught your eye. It was a porcelain angel that your mother left behind after her death. You felt bad for using it but it was the first thing that came to mind. You grabbed the statue off of the shelf and threw it into the kernel. It glowed before a pair of angel wings sprouted from the floating sphere. In front of you was the very same angel you just prototyped, only alive. It gave you a smile, the smile your mother used to give you. You looked away, trying to stop the tears welling up in your eyes.

John: 'You did it! Now to go on to the alchemy- woah. Are you ok? You look like you're about to cry'

You: 'Yes. I'm fine. Just sweat. This is kind of nerve wrecking you know'

John: 'I understand. I felt the same the first time I played too'

You: 'so. Where is this other contraption?"

John: 'To the basement!'

You rushed to the basement, the angel sprite following you around. Downstairs were two more machines. 

John: 'The card you will need to create a totem is in your sylladex. Apparently someone left you one on the bed. Creepy'

You walked towards one of the beds, picking up a nicely wrapped box and opened it to reveal what appeared to be a new sylladex. You picked it up and it instantly equipped itself. You tested it out, captchalouging several books off of your shelf. They instantly were put away into CD boxes. A gaming sylladex? This was awesome. You were now able to carry anything you wanted, keeping your hands free for the important things. There were at least 20 cards here so you could carry as much as you wanted. You took the books out of your sylladex and placed them back on the shelf. John mentioned something about a pre-punched card? You checked your sylladex, finding it there. 

John instructed you to insert the cruxite block and the card into the Totem Lathe. The machine carved the block into a weird squiggly shape and you instantly captchalouged it. John placed another machine in your backyard as you followed him around. Your phone vibrated again

???: 'you don't have much time. move it'

You: 'What do you mean?'

???: 'are you that stupid? ugh. I'll explain. the second you started the game, you have sealed the fate. for all of us. its all up to you now. whether we succeed or fail is up to you'

You: ' You mean. I am putting everyone's lives on stake?'

???: 'yes. now move it!'

You swallowed hard as you reached the last contraption. The sky was clouded as thousands of meteors hurled themselves towards Earth. It was up to you now. You got the totem out of your sylladex and placed it on the pedestal. The machine began making a low buzzing noise as it began to work. You could hear crashing from several blocks away but did not dare to look. You knew what was happening

John: 'Are you ready?'

You: 'As ready as can be'

This wasn't just a game anymore. Lives were at stake. You could not afford to lose, for that would mean the end of every living being. This was the beginning of a terrible nightmare

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