Chapter 20

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holy shit

i fell asleep and then i just


i'm so sorry

here is the chapter i promised


You woke up in your bed, your head throbbing. What exactly happened last night? You really couldn't recall. A party was it? Whatever it was, your head hurt too much to think about at the moment.

You tried to fall asleep again when a text woke you up. You groaned, ignoring it and closing your eyes again. Another one. You were still ignoring it. Three more. Who the hell texts this much? New message. Realizing that this won't stop until you answer, you snatched your phone from your nightstand.



'Answer me gog damn it'

'For fucks sake'

'I know you're there'

'I can hear the fucking dinging from the other room'

Just who the hell was this?

'I see you reading the messages'

'Don't make me walk over there and get you'

You were confused but decided to reply.

You: 'erm, sorry but, do I know you?'

???: '(y/n)'

???: 'are you fucking kidding me?'

???: 'I knew you were an idiot but not to this extent'

You: 'Karkat?'

KK: 'congratu-fucking-lations. You got it! Aren't you a gog damn genius. Took you long enough'

You: 'gee. Thanks. -_-'

KK: 'anyways'

KK: 'I think I am in your house but I'm not sure'

You: 'what do you mean 'you think you are in my house'?'

KK: 'there is a fall out boy poster on the wall'

You: 'You are in my house'

You: 'hold on'

You: 'why are you in my house?'

KK: 'do I look like Nostradamus to you? If I fucking knew, I wouldn't have asked your stupid ass'

You: 'rude much?'

KK: 'sorry, I'm just not used to waking up in a room with a thousand Patricia Stumps staring into my non-existent soul from every single direction humanly possible'

You: '*Patrick. It's Patrick'

KK: 'pardon me but I have spent my last fuck back when crab dad- you know what. I was born without fucks to give'

You: 'but I didn't even-'

You: 'nvm. Get your VantASS down stairs, I'm making pancakes'

KK: 'hey. That was rude'

You: 'but-'

You: 'I'm not even gonna bother with this one. Just get down here'

You put your phone in your pocket and made your way downstairs. Pancakes were the one thing you could make without burning your house to the ground. You reached into the cabinet and pulled out a box of pancake mix. As you prepared the batter, you heard footsteps coming from upstairs, followed by a loud crashing noise. You dropped your whisk and turned around to find a young troll on the floor by the foot of the steps.

"fuck," he groaned, getting up. His hair was still quite messy as he made his way to the table, slumping down in a chair. You let out a giggle and placed a frying pan on the stove. He glared at you for a while before letting out a sigh.

"Good morning to you too," you said with a hint of sarcasm in your voice as you began preparing the pancakes. No response from Karkat. You turned around to find him asleep at the table, face down. Smiling softly, you placed a plate with pancakes in front of him and softly kissed him on the forehead.

After breakfast, you looked out the window to find the little red arm-swingy-dealy thing or whatever it is called flipped up. Whatever that thing was called, if it was up it meant that you had mail. You rushed outside and opened your mailbox, retrieving a few packages and bringing them back inside. Before you had time to look through them, your phone rang. It was your father. You placed the mail on the kitchen table where Karkat was soundly asleep and left the room to answer the call.

As you hung up the phone, you returned to the kitchen to find Karkat, his face pale, holding an envelope in his hand. He looked at you, his eyes wide with what you thought was fear as you gave him a concerned look.

"Is everything alright?" you asked him, slightly worried. He shook his head silently and held up the envelope in his hand.

Heart Strings from the Medium (karkat x reader)Where stories live. Discover now