Chapter 24

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The blinding light of the cocoon caused you to shut your eyes. Once you re opened them, you were face to face with a humongous butterfly. Seriously, this shit was twice the size of you, if  not three. Its wings sprung open and in a flash, it was gone. And so were you. 

Once your vision returned to normal, you found yourself in a land with the sky painted a pale red. Everything was silent , except for the ticking of the various clocks. This silence would sure be enough to drive someone to insanity. You let out a sigh of relief as you realized that the meteors were no longer a threat to you. but that relief was short lived and was soon replaced with fear. What about everyone else? What happened to them? Tears threatened to fall when suddenly your phone buzzed again. 

John: "Good job. Now, install the server disk and add Rose into the game. She will take over from there"

You: "John....."

John: "What is it?"

You: "I'm sorry. For dragging you into thus mess. For dragging everyone into this mess"

John: "Haha. Don't worry. I did the same a couple of years ago"

You: "Wait. What do you mean?"

John: "whoops. I'll explain later. In the mean time, install pesterchum. It will be far more convenient. My chum handle is ectoBiologist. And good luck"

You closed your eyes and sighed. You have seriously fucked up.  

After what seemed like hours of walking around and examining your surroundings, you stopped to 

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