Chapter 9

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        You were doing your break homework when you heard your doorbell ring. You lazily got up and opened the door. A smile spread on your face when you saw your cousin. You flung your arms around him as he hugged you back.

        "Heya (y/n)" he said with a smile.

        "Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Don't just stand here, come inside!" You grabbed him by the hand, dragging him inside. "Sorry, Dad isn't home at the moment, he's at work" you sighed.

        "It's alright. He's a busy man," he laughed and took a seat on the couch. "By the way, Jade should be here any moment now," he said, just as Jade bust through the door with a bunch of bags in her hands. 

        "John! Why don't you help me with this stuff. There are more bags in the car," she laughed, placing some of the bags down on the ground. John groaned and went to get the rest of the bags from the car. When Jade saw you, she ran over and gave you a hug as you hugged her back.

        "We will be staying with you for a couple of days," she said, smiling. You were a bit confused as to why your father hasn't told you, but you were happy your cousins were staying over. John came bak inside, more bags in his hands as a grey car drove away, leaving them here.

        "How about I show you to your rooms," you smiled, grabbing some of their bags. They both nodded as you led the down the stairs into the basement. You had a couple of spare rooms down there, in case anyone was staying over. You placed their bags down in their room as they began unpacking them. The two of them were twins and would often do everything together. They pretty much thought exactly the same. However they each had different last names, John Egbert and Jade Harley. John kept his father's last name and Jade kept her mother's maiden name. 

        "So, what's been going on in your life?" Jade asked as John examined the room, unpacking the rest of his stuff. 

        "Let's see... I got a boyfriend," you smiled. Jade was shoucked, but then smiled too. 

        "That's fantastic!" she lauged, her braces showing. "What's his name?" she unpacked her stuff and sat down next to you.

        "Karkat," you said.

        "Karkat? He's my best friend!" John turned towards you. "He's a good guy, I promise," John smiled and you smiled back.

        "I know," you nodded, remembering last night, a blush creeped onto your face. 

        "Did you guys already," Jade wiggled her eyebrows, causing you to crack up laughing. 

        "Jade!" You smacked her with a pillow, both of you now laughing. John found a spider and was now trying to open the window to let it out. "Hey, you guys hungry? I could order a pizza if you want,"

        "Pizza!?" both of them yelled at the same time. They nodded as you went upstairs to order it. They followed you, both of them snickering to themselves. You ignored them and picked up the phone, dialing PizzaHut's number

        "PizzaHut, how may I help you?" said the woman over the phone. (Note, I dont actually know what they say because i never ordered pizza before. Like, ever)

        "We would like to order a pizza," you said

        "Alright, what topping would you like?" she asked. You turned to Jade and John, waiting for their answer.

        "Pepperoni," They synchronized again. You swear they shared a brain.

        "2 large pepperoni pizzas," you replied to the lady over the phone. You gave her your address and hung up. Jade and John snickered to themselves again as you rolled your eyes at them. They probably set up another trap for you to walk into.

        You walked up the stairs, leaving the twins in the living room, and opened the door to your room. A bucket of cold water spilled all over you as you stood there, completely soaked in water. You gritted your teeth and stomped down the stairs, your clothes soaked.

        "I swear to god! Who in the heck thought this was funny?!" you stomped down the stairs, leaving a trail of cold water with every step. You should have learned to watch your step by now, because you ended up falling into another one of their traps. Your legs hit an invisible string and another bucket full of confetti was dumped onto your already wet body, causing the paper to stick to your hair and clothes. 

        John and Jade just finished paying for the pizza and closed the door when you marched in. Both of them began cracking up laughing, nearly dropping the two pizzas. You puffed up your cheeks and began to yell at them, which caused them to laugh even harder. 

        You are not sure how this happened but John somehow made his way behind you unnoticed, sticking a deflating balloon full of helium into your mouth. It took you a second to realize what was going on. You took the balloon out of your mouth and began to yell at them again. Due to the helium, your voice was higher pitched. 

        The twins were now rolling on the floor laughing while you, an angry, wet human pinata with the voice of a chipmunk, continued to yell at them. You eventually gave up and just sat down at the table, your face red from both, anger and embarrassment. John got up, holding his sides, placing the pizzas on the table. Jade needed John's help getting back up to her feet. 

        As you were eating the pizza, most of the paper fell off but some of it was still in your hair. No matter how many pranks they play on you, you never learn and fall into every single one of them. As you reached for another slice, you felt something crawl on your neck. When you reached to get it off, you found a spider hat John was playing with earlier. You let out a scream and hopped out of your chair, trying to get it off while the twins began cracking up again. 


        It was nearly midnight now when your father came home. You paused your game and gave your dad  hug. John and Jade waved at he same time, smiling and showing their braces.

        "Hello Mister (y/l/n)," they synchronized, grinning widely

        "Hey there John, what's up Jade?" your dad smiled, his eyes tired. He has exausted himself once again and it took him a great effort to do pretty much anything. He walked up the stairs and into his room, closing the door behind him. You looked at the twins and smiled.

        "It's pretty late, should we sleep?" you asked, yawning. They  nodded as John stretched. You got up and shut off your xbox, putting the remotes away. John and Jade ran downstairs, changing into their pajamas. Jade was wearing her black dress, long black hood, and striped monochrome stockings with red slippers. John wore his blue pants and t-shirt with a long blue hood and yellow slippers. They both looked awesome in their PJs. You changed into a purpele dress and a purple hoodie with cat ears.

        As you were heading up the stairs to your room, Jade tugged your dress to get your attention. "Will you sleep with us?" she looked up at you with puppy dog eyes. You sighed but smiled and nodded. You were bored anyways. You ran upstairs to get your laptop and quickly joined them in their pillow fight. By the end of the game, there were feathers and pillows everywhere. 

        "Hold on a sec," John ran to get his bag. Reaching into it, he pulled out his ghostbusters DVDs, which you just groaned to. He loved ghostbusters way too much. You rewathed these DVDs with him every time he came over, so you politely rejected them by throwing a pillow at his face, starting another pillow fight.

        Jade instead took out some photos of Beck, her dog. You smiled at the photos. You never really saw beck in real life, only in pictures. Jade petted the picture and put it away again. You were getting sleepy so you turned the lights off and got into your sleeping bag. There were only two beds in the basement so you had to sleep on the floor, but you were ok with it.


Enjoy having awesome relatives like John and Jade

While I go deal with my siblings *shivers*

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