Chapter 19

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I'm so sorry for not updating for do long
Finals and graduation and prom which I'm going alone to are all just taking up a lot of my time
How about this
I publish 2 chapters today?
Am I forgiven?
Love ya all
Thanks for the likes and comments
They really make my day •^•

You got dressed and made your way downstairs where the party was raging. Nearly everyone were drunk or asleep by now and your living room was a mess

You sighed, shaking your head slightly. After all, you were the one to clean it all up later. A pair of hands closes your eyes from behind, leaving you in the dark.

"Guess who?" A masculine voice said from behind you. You laughed, placing your hands on your hips.

"John, I know it's you" you said confidently as he removed his hands from your eyes

"How did you know?" He pouted as you embraced him

"Oh I know. Happy birthday by the way" you let go, smiling. He was slightly taller then you so you had to tilt your head to make eye contact. His definitely not straight teeth showed when he smiled back.

"You and Karkat have been gone for quite a while. Did you guys....?" His tons changed from his happy one to a mischievous one as he elbowed you slightly, wiggling his eyebrows. Your face turned a dark shade of red as you stared at his eyes from behind the frames of his glasses.

"I-it was nothing like that!" You stuttered, your cheeks hot.

"So you did. But hey, I'm not gonna judge you" he chuckled and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips. You couldn't believe him. He was really a dick when he didn't act like an innocent child. It took a while for your face to return to normal as you inhaled deeply

"I know what we should do! We should play a game!" Feferi shouted cheerfully, holding a glass of what seemed to be Pepsi but you really couldn't tell. She snapped her fingers and everyone got into a circle. Almost everyone.

Karkat came stumbling down the stairs face first, landing with a thud. Eridan offered him a hand, but he denied

"This floor looks more attractive then your face" he mumbled into the carpet. You couldn't help but giggle as eridan walked away, mumbling something about low bloods. Karkat wasn't moving no matter what so everyone just let him be.

On your way to the living room, you stepped on something and slipped, hitting your head on the floor. You weren't sure what happened after because everything went black.

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