Bliss And Anarchy

Start from the beginning

Mickie: Is it done?

Alicia: Almost

The Movie ended as Everyone fell asleep. Nikki woke up around 2AM as She saw Alexa Cuddling up with Alex as They were both Sleeping. Nikki left them alone as Alexa was hugging Alex even more.

April 2 2019

Alex was taping up his hands as he heard Kevin Owen's was suspended and won't make it to Wrestlemania. Alex was getting tired of Miz and Maryse's antics since that incident on the Ambrose Asylum. With Wrestlemania happening Next Sunday. It's a clear chance this rivalry is gonna escalate at Wrestlemania 35. Alex was cranking his neck as He Saw Alexa and her friends walking in as Alex looked at them.

Alexa: Thanks for Joining us at Movie Night Ambrose.

Alex: No Problem Bliss.

Alexa: Do you like Last Weeks Cuddles~?

Alex eyes were wide open as Bliss was laughing at him.

Alex:......Ummm Yeah....

Alexa: Just Kidding Ambrose.

Mickie: Stop Panicking Ambrose. We know your shy.

Alicia: Yeah so chill for a second Ambrose.

Alex sighed in relief as Alexa tip toed over Alex and kissed his nose as Alex's face was red as a tomato.

Alexa: Your Going against Randy Orton so Good Luck and Try not to get RKO.

Alex: I'll try

Producers called Alex's name as Alexa again kissed Ambrose in the nose before Alex went off for his match. It's The Psychotic Anarchist Vs The Apex Predator.

Five Minutes Later

Randy hit a uppercut as He grabbed Alex and hit a short arm clothesline. Randy was trying to set Alex up for a Vertical Suplex before Alex got away and hit Randy with a

 Randy was trying to set Alex up for a Vertical Suplex before Alex got away and hit Randy with a

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Randy quickly got up as Alex hit a low super kick followed by a axe kick and then a

Randy quickly got up as Alex hit a low super kick followed by a axe kick and then a

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