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That Night

Abhi was lying on his bed, thinking about Shabir's voice. His first two options didn't bother him that much, but his third one was kept on nagging him. The image of Pragya and Ravi chatting flashed in front of him. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to sleep, but those images bothered him a lot.

He got up from his bed and drank some water and signed frustratedly.

Abhi: Why I'm thinking about it again and again? Ahh... Abhi stops it. Stop thinking about it and try to sleep.

Making up his mind, he again lied down and tried to sleep, but still, the same thing flashed in his mind, making the night sleepless night.

Next Morning

Pragya went to the church. After completing the prayer and getting blessings from the Sister, she came out of the church and to her shock, Abhi was standing there, waiting for her.

Pragya: Why is he here?

She thought in her mind and went towards him, who was standing there, with his hands tied on his chest.

Pragya: You are here?

Abhi: I came here to see you.

Pragya: How did you know that I'm here?

Abhi: Purab said to me. Your friend Bulbul said to Purab. Is there is any other doubt?

Abhi asked whereas Pragya nodded negatively.

Abhi: Shall we go somewhere and talk?

Pragya gave an unexpected look.

Abhi: Shall we?

Pragya in a low tone: Ok...

Abhi gestured Pragya to sit in his car, whereas Pragya nodded

Abhi took Pragya to an isolated place.

Abhi: Get down.

Nodding, Pragya got down from the car, whereas Abhi also got down. He looked at Pragya, who was looking at him with question mark face.

Abhi: What do you want to say?

Pragya brought courage inside her and said him.

Pragya: I'm so sorry, Abhi. I should have confirmed it before slapping you. As we were alone in the mall, I thought that you would have done it to take revenge on me. I'm sorry.

Pragya said, showing her puppy face.

Abhi: Do you know why I brought you here?

Abhi asked whereas Pragya nodded negatively. He started to approach her, whereas Pragya began to move back. Abhi came towards her, whereas Pragya moved back until her back hits the wall. Pragya looked at Abhi, who came closer to her.

Pragya nervously: What are you doing?

Abhi: I don't know.

Pragya looked at him, confused.

Abhi: But my heart says me to do this.

Abhi said and cupped Pragya's cheek.

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