He said and then glanced at his mother. The anticipation of few seconds back was morphing into realization.

"Oh! That's good to know."

"It's been almost two years. Their families are also very much looking forward to this. Right now both are in the middle of their degrees so things are pretty low key."

Memoona nodded now fully understanding the whole thing.

"Hesham never even mentioned! And he visits practically every week."

Ibsam put in.

"He must've thought Bhai told us already."

Izaan nodded.

"Yes, I should've told you guys. I also should've mentioned that Safwa is a friend."

"Thanks for that or else we were beginning to think she's some kind of secret you're keeping hidden from us all."

Ibsam's joke didn't make anyone laugh. Shoaib raised an eyebrow towards his son.

"You seem pretty happy today. Not the kind of attitude I expect from someone who forgot to pick his grandfather from the market."

Ibsam's grin was replaced by a sheepish look.

"I'm sorry about that, Baba. I explained to Abba as well and see! He's not angry with me."

Kamran Ansari shrugged his shoulders with a smile making Shoaib shake his head and go back to his dinner.

In all this Memoona hadn't said a word. Izaan saw resignation in her stance and he sighed that finally he cleared the notion which was just making its place in his mother's head.

But how to clear his own mind? He was pretty clueless there.


Bisma put the two mugs in the tray and taking careful steps reached the lawn. Safwa was sitting on the sofa swing playing with the tendrils of her hair coming out of her braid.


Bisma announced offering a mug of piping hot beverage to her niece. She'd been living with Safwa for the past twenty one years which was practically Safwa's whole life and there was never a moment Bisma couldn't understand what she was going through. Right now it was clear, Safwa was upset about something and was trying her best to brush it off.

"I'm not in a mood, Phupho."

Safwa complained but held the mug nonetheless.

"Don't worry about the taste. I haven't made it."

"I know. Only Nusrat Aapa's made coffee can smell this good."

Bisma raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not offended."

"You shouldn't be. I'm just stating the truth."

She took a small sip and even though she didn't feel like drinking it, Safwa couldn't help relishing the taste. Both of them sat there in the dim lights of the lawn silently, sipping from their mugs and giving each other the silent solace like always.

Ishq Kinara[Love Ashore] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now