False God

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April 23rd, 2018

Taylor played with the 'J' necklace that hang around her neck, debating on whether or not to call Joe. She was currently on her stadium tour, and while they had promised each other to call daily, they hadn't been on a Facetime in the past two nights. It wasn't anyone's fault really, they were both just busy.

It seemed to bring out underlying emotions in Taylor though. This was going to be the longest stretch where they don't see each other while she's on tour, and Taylor couldn't help but feel distant from Joe in more ways then one. Of course they were separated by an ocean literally, but lately Taylor just felt a disconnect with him. They didn't have the usual chemistry that was bubbling between them. Neither one of them had brought up these feelings, but both of them were feeling it.

Picking up her phone she decided on calling him, though she knew it was the middle of the day in London, and he might be busy. To her surprise he picked up, "Hey Joe!"

"Hi love, what's up?" Joe smiled at her through the phone camera.

Taylor shrugged, "Nothing, just wanted to talk to you."

There was an uncomfortable silence, and a tension you could cut with a knife. Joe nodded slowly, "Right, we've been busy lately, sorry about that."

"Yeah... but hey, at least I get to see you in three days!" Taylor smiled a little, but didn't have the same enthusiasm she normally would.

"Yup! I can't wait for you to come back to London!" Joe said excitedly, shifting from his position on the couch.

There was another awkward silence, before Taylor finally spoke, "So I'll see you on Monday?"

"Yup. Love you," Joe blew her a kiss.

"Love you too," Taylor hung up, sighing to herself. Their calls never used to go like that. They used to talk for hours on end, neither wanting to hang up.

The next three days Taylor and Joe barely talked, only exchanging quick text messages. Taylor had a slight change in demeanor, her bubbly self replaced with a more reserved, serious Taylor. Andrea noticed, walking up to Taylor who was sitting at the kitchen in their hotel suite.

"Is everything all right honey?" Andrea said, sitting next to her.

Taylor nodded, "Everything's fine."

Andrea obviously didn't buy it, "What's wrong?"

"I said everything was fine," Taylor said defensively.

Andrea took the hint, realizing she just didn't want to talk right now. As soon as Andrea walked away into her own bedroom Taylor burst into tears, vigorously wiping them away as they poured down her face. Why hasn't he called me yet? Is he trying to distance himself from me?

Sighing to herself, she wiped away the last of the tears, going to pack things up. I'll see him today. Then everything will be normal again. Repeating it to herself to make herself believe it, she packed her things up, before getting in the car to head to the airport. Soon she was sitting in her private jet, staring out the window as the ground disappeared below her.

She never thought that their relationship would fall apart. But it was, it was falling apart right beneath their feet, and there was nothing she could do about it but watch it crumble. This relationship was in many ways holding her together, and if it were to break she knew she'd break with it. Taylor had so much faith in the relationship it had practically became her religion.

Taylor tried to shake off all the thoughts, just wanting to enjoy the week with Joe. Stepping out of the plane, she walked to her car, thankful for the lack of paparazzi. She bit her nails as she watched others cars zoom by, till they got to Joe's flat. Punching in the password to open the door, she lugged in her suitcase. "Hey babe, I'm home," Taylor called, slightly disappointed he wasn't already there waiting for her.

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