What I Can't Have

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August 16, 2016

It had been almost a month since that day, and Taylor and Joe were practically best friends. Taylor confided in Joe whenever she had a problem, and vice versa. Tom was flying in to Rhode Island to see Taylor the next day, but currently Taylor was on a call with Joe.

"Joe it's just getting so hard for me. The middle of our relationship was amazing, but now it's just so high-key and with everything going on I want to tone it down about it, but he doesn't." Taylor ran her hand through her hair frustratedly.

Joe thought about this for a moment, "What's his argument? Why doesn't he want to have a quieter relationship?"

"No fucking clue," Taylor rolled her eyes. "I plan on talking to him about it when he comes tomorrow, but I don't know how it'll turn out."

"I feel like an ass for mentioning this, but... are you planning on breaking up with him?" Joe asked slowly, unsure of where she was going with this.

"I know at first we talked about how he's just a rebound, but I've found it grow into something more and I don't want to let it go that easily," Taylor said softly.

Joe had come to terms with Tom, realizing that what he had for Taylor would never be returned, and that was fine. She was Taylor Swift and he was just Joe. "He seems like a nice guy, and I wouldn't want you guys to break up either. Promise me that when you're talking to him don't do anything rash, okay?"

Taylor nodded.

"Verbal confirmation?" Joe asked.

Taylor smiled, looking at the camera, "Yes, I promise."

Joe grinned back, "Perfect."

The feeling Taylor got with Joe still hadn't gone away yet, but he was still dating someone and she couldn't ruin that. Not to mention she was dating someone too, and he most definitely did not like her. Why does life have to be so complicated?

"I have to go now," Taylor said as she heard security knock on her door, telling her it was time to go. "But I'll talk to you when I can."

"Okay, remember, no rash decisions!" Joe said quickly.

Taylor just giggled and hung up.


September 4th, 2016

"I'm sorry Tom, I can't anymore." Taylor said, tears daring to fall.

Tom stuttered, "Taylor I don't understand, we were so happy."

"Tom you were amazing, but I don't think I should've jumped in that head first. I realize now I have different priorities, and being in a super public relationship isn't one of them." Taylor looked away from him. "When we first started dating I just needed someone to sweep me away from all my troubles, and thank you for helping me, but this can't go on any longer."

"So you used me?" Tom asked sadly.

I'm ending it, goodbye Tom." Taylor replied quickly, not wanting to face the fact that she did use someone.

Tom looked heartbroken as he watched her step out of his apartment, and as the door closed shut behind her. Taylor immediately ran towards her car, and got in, driving to who knows where. She was just driving away. Away from the problems.

Taylor had no where to stay in London, so she booked a hotel, checking with her security. Realizing she was on the completely wrong path she turned around and drove towards the hotel. Before walking in she fixed her mascara, not even realizing she had been crying.

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