The 28th Night of September

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"I know I'm a bitch for wanting that, but I just can't"

Taylor turned to walk out the door, but Joe grabbed her arm.

"Taylor, I like you too." Joe smiled at her, and Taylor slowly turned back around.

"B-but the other girl who you left Lindsey for and you, you were laughing, I... what?" Taylor stammered, confused.

Joe just shook his head, "The girl is you, silly!"

Taylor's eyes widen in shock. "Okay... okay!" Taylor was excited, but mid excitement realized she wasn't ready for another relationship.

"So what now?" Joe asked, loosening the grip on her arm.

Taylor wrung the end of her shirt with her hands nervously, "I don't think I'm ready for another relationship yet."

Joe nodded, "That's fair, I get it. It's fine, we can just be friends for now."

Taylor hugged him, "Thank you."

Joe wrapped his arms around her, "No, thank you. Now, do you want to finish that Office episode?"

Taylor laughed, "Of course."

The first week following the confession consisted of them constantly being at one another's houses, watching TV, playing scrabble, and drinking wine. The second week they both did something completely unexpected, they kissed again. They both decided that it would be best if they would remain friends, but could kiss and cuddle if they wanted.

By the third week, let's be honest, they were practically girlfriend and boyfriend, constantly stealing kisses while over at each other's houses. They even took the big step and had sex, much to their delight. The main problem was that now both of them were sure that the other had lost feelings for them, and it was more just to please their physical needs.


Sep 25th, 2016

"And I told him that we were just going to be friends! But now I want to be more and I just don't know what to do," Taylor put her head in her hands.

Selena rubbed her back, "If you guys are already kissing, having sex, and constantly hanging out at each other's houses, you basically are together, just gather your guts and ask him. He admitted to having feelings for you!"

Taylor let out an exasperated sigh, "That was three weeks ago before I told him I just wanted to be friends. Let's face it, by now he's probably over me."

"Taylor he's obviously not! Like I said, you guys have been having freaking sex, he wouldn't do that if he was 'over you'!" Selena rolled her eyes at how stubborn her friend could be.

"You don't understand, he only acts towards me like I'm a friend, not like he wants to be more!" Taylor leaned her head back against the couch.

"It's because you told him you just wanted to be friends with him!" Selena practically shouted.

"That's what I'm saying! I messed it all up when I said that and now he doesn't want to be more." Taylor looked towards Selena, who was glaring at her.

"We're going in circles now Taylor. You just need to get your shit together and ask him."

Taylor shrugged, "It's fine, I don't want to overstep."

Selena rolled her eyes once again, "Oh my god, you're impossible."

Joe was experiencing a similar thought process, but didn't talk about it with anyone, since no one knew he was hanging out with Taylor Swift yet.

daylight: taylor swift + joe alwynजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें