Pieces Fall Into Place

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Taylor opened her eyes to see a still sleeping Joe, with his arms wrapped around her. She rubbed her head, she had a slight hangover from last night, when she drank more then she planned.

Suddenly the memories from last night came flooding back to her. At least, the memories up to where she read the text from Angela. Taylor completely forgot asking Joe to date her. The emotions she felt were empty and sad because she knew that even though Joe was here now, he had girls pining for him back in England.

Taylor heard a groan next to her, and Joe sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," he said, his voice raspy.

"Morning," Taylor replied still staring off into space.

Joe studied her carefully, "Are you going... are you going to tell anybody?"

Taylor gave him a confused look, "About what?"

"About-" Joe stopped himself, and his face fell. She doesn't remember. He rushed for a cover-up, "When you were drunk last night you told me you wouldn't tell me the spaghetti recipe. I was just wondering if you've told anyone at all." Joe tried to chuckle, and make it more authentic.

"Oh," Taylor smiled, "My mom knows since she taught it to me. I must've been a weird drunk, I'll text you it later."

Joe smiles, relieved she believed it. "Okay, sounds good."

Joe stepped out of the bed, stretching.

Taylor hesitated before speaking, "Um, do you want breakfast? I can make something."

Joe looked towards her, surprised, "Oh! Yeah, sure, that sounds amazing."

Taylor stood up as well, moving towards the door and down to the kitchen, Joe trailing behind.

"Do you want an egg and bacon? I have the biscuits too." Taylor offered, opening the cupboard.

"Sounds amazing," Joe smiled, sitting down at the table. "Do you need any help?"

"No, it's fine," Taylor smiled at his willingness to help.

Joe scrolled through emails as he waited, and eventually sat down across from him, setting plates down. Joe looked at Taylor as he ate and couldn't help but think about what she said last night, 'Don't worry, even when I'm not drunk I still have a huge crush on you'. Looking at Taylor now, it didn't seem like she did. Taylor had a sad look on her face, and was quietly eating her food.

Taylor's thought's wandered back to Joe every time she tried to forget about him. She knew he wasn't her's, even though she wanted him so badly. Taylor didn't even notice when a tear slipped down her face.

Joe immediately spots it, and looks her in the eye, reaching his hand across the table to hold her's. "Tay, what's wrong? You can tell me."

Taylor just shakes her head and looks down, not saying anything. Joe, worried, gets up from his chair and goes to kneel next to her. He wipes away the tear with his thumb, and kisses her cheek. "I want you to feel comfortable telling me anything."

Taylor finally turns to face him, "I just... it's all my fault."

Joe hugs her from the side, "Oh Tay, what's all your fault?"

"I... I said I just wanted to be friends with you but really I want to date you because I like you a lot, but I feel like you don't like me anymore and I don't know what to do." Taylor said quickly in one breath.

Joe shocked, can't help but chuckle a little, since she practically told him all of this last night. Taylor took the chuckle the wrong way, and burst into tears, running towards the bathroom, leaving Joe kneeling there.

daylight: taylor swift + joe alwynHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin