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Oh my goodness it all went too fast for my liking.

What is this, did i look at the calendar wrong this morning ?. Is it just me or.... Did the date of the big event moved forward ? did i just seen it wrong ?. What the Fu- wait, no no, calm down. You can't get tense like that, or else you'll have to eat more pills.

But.... Didn't a month just passed by ?. I know I'm a bit date blind, but why did everybody say the big event is in 2 days ?. Hold on, I've been running here and there asking around the place of the date here, and they all said the same thing. There's gotta be something wrong !. Or is it just my head ? Wha-what happened ?!.

I swear, i swear my memory is not that messed up anymore, so why.... Why did time suddenly moved really fast ?-


...... What's that sound ?.

*looks around her room*

That, why is there a conveniently placed letter on top of the google book ?. Did Lyra left a small note or someone else did ?. I should check it. There's a strange black bat like drawing on it. It's definitely something important.

*opens it up*

What ? It's just an empty blank paper ?. How- no wait, don't tell me this is one of those letters with a special type of ink on it.

*sniffs* It's not something like lemon or orange juice alright.

*turned on a lamp and placed the letter on top of It* No, it's not one of those see through ones either. Maybe it needs some heat ?.

*Gets to the nearest aromatic candle that's been lit* Wait, that's not it either ?. No way, there's no way someone or something just sent me a blank paper by mistake or for fun. It's not according to the plot rules.

What should i try this with then ?. Should i use my magic pen ?. It's worth a shot.

*Grabs special magic pen and tried to write something on it*

*didn't work and nothing appeared*

Ugh, it doesn't work either. What the hell ? Is it really just a blank ?. There's no way.....

Hm, if i ever found whoever put this letter, I'm gonna have a quick conversation with them. Tch, God, why do the people in this world are so mysterious or weird. It's a cliched troupe that i used to like in stories, but experiencing this myself is annoying.

What should i do..... It's like time just passed really fast. I'm sure that what i remembered is correct, I'm sure that only one month just passed by. So why is now a month later in the future ?.

This piece of paper might have the answer for my question, and i believe that the rules of the otome world won't allow me to just accept this as a prank or a mistake. A special type of ink.... Or a very powerful magic that i can't see....

Oh wait, have i tried with black light yet ?. Oh yeah i haven't, i should try that too. Maybe the writer used a Lumina product.

*Goes to her night stand drawer and picked up a pouch that contains the luminous powder*

*Moved to a more dim place in her room*

*Spreads the dust on top of the blank paper evenly, and blows it*

*Pulled out a black light flashlight out of the drawer, and flashed it on to the blank paper*


I knew it. I knew it just had to be something that i didn't expect. I expected that this was definitely a hidden message, and i was right. But the way i needed to uncover this was unexpected.

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