Chapter 69: A Matter of Trust

Start from the beginning

And it was bothering him, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He'd never trusted before. Not really. He took another long drag of his hot chocolate and bit his lip, then pulled out his mirror before he lost his nerve.

"Hey, Harry" Charlie said, when he answered it. He looked tired but seemed to still have been up.

"Did I wake you?" Harry asked quickly.

"Nah, just got off shift, was getting ready for bed, what's up Harry love?"

"I trust you, Charlie," Harry said the words pouring out of his mouth.

Charlie blinked.

"I trust you, Charlie," Harry repeated as if the words could hurt, "you and Bill and Hermione. And Fred and George and Neville. I trust you. I've never trusted anyone."

"ah..." Charlie said, looking achingly sad for a moment as if he understood.

"I trust you. And Bill. It scares me." Harry said, "I... I fell asleep on him the other day, and he didn't yell at me for it. He didn't care that I'd just wasted two hours of his time sleeping on him! Who does that?"

"Friends" Charlie cut in with a snort, "that's what you do for friends."

"He gave me advice, and it turned out okay." Harry continued on, "he was here all winter break to help me. He came to Gringotts with me and helped with the ritual.

You let me cry on you after the task, and you comforted me. You didn't just kick me out. You let me sleep on you, and you listened to me and gave me honest advice when you could have told me to fuck off."

"aw, kiddo, no." Charlie said, "I couldn't do that to you, love, I'm not going to turn you away, neither will Bill."

"I know that," Harry said sounding a bit shell shocked, "I know that."

Charlie's face softened in understanding, "that's okay, love, you're allowed to trust."

"It feels big," Harry admitted quietly, then after a moment said "I don't understand. I'm not used to caring or trusting. It feels dangerous. You're mine now. It frightens me, I'd-"

His voice seemed to catch and choke. But Charlie just seemed content to wait patiently for him to continue.

"I'd kill for you guys Charlie, to keep you guys safe. I've never felt that for anyone. You and Bill. And the twins, they taught me to swim. Did they tell you? They didn't once stare or question my scars, they didn't once laugh for my fear of water. They just goofed off until I was too busy laughing at them to be scared. They left Gryffindor for me despite knowing they'd get a howler, they set peeves on Ron for me. They had my back despite everything. And Hermione's and Neville. It means everything to me. Everything.

You're mine now, I'm not letting that go. You're all my people. And I'm not letting that go. You're family. I think. Is what family feels like Charlie?" Harry said awe and fear in his face, "it feels like... do you understand Charlie? It feels...."

Charlie nodded, "it's nothing less than complete trust and devotion," he said, a strange quality in his voice, as if knowing exactly what Harry meant, "I know," he said quietly.

"Yes," Harry said desperately, "I'd kill and die for you, I'd go up against anyone that tried to harm or hurt you guys without a single regret. Because you're mine. Not my possession-"

"But your people," Charlie finished, understanding, "family."

"Yes!" Harry breathed, slumping in relief that Charlie understood.

"That's power, Charlie. I went from having no one to having 6 people that I can trust without a shadow of a doubt. I'd burn the world down for my family. If any of you asked me to. I'd do it without a care, without regret, but I trust that you guys won't ask me to. I trust you.

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