Sana: Of course I miss you ☺️

Sana: Actually I'm excited to see you later...

Tzuyu: Really?

Sana: Mmmmm...

Sana: By the way, are you having your dinner here at the house??

Tzuyu: Yeah...

Sana: Arasso, I'll cook something delicious later ...

Tzuyu: Can't wait for that 🙈❤️

Sana: Go home early (◕દ◕)

Tzuyu: I will ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

Sana: I'll just see you later then ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ

Sana: Drive safe Tzuyu...

Tzuyu: Okay, see you later (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

Tzuyu: I love you (〃゚3゚〃)

Sana: I love you too (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )



vening, Baby Minju was crying so hard Sana already give her breastfeed but she's still crying...

"Minju~ya.... What do you want??? Stop crying now...." Sana said as she was gently rubbing Minju's back...

"WAHHHHHHH !!!!!!!....."

"Shhhhh.... Do you want to play??? What do you want??? Stop crying now baby...." Sana wipe Baby Minju's runny nose...

15 minutes later, Tzuyu finally arrived and baby Minju was still crying...

"Hi, Love ( ˘ ³˘)♥.." Tzuyu give Sana a warm kiss.


"Why my baby is crying?????.." Tzuyu asked as she looks at Minju...

"I already give her breastfeed but she's still crying... I don't know what she want...." Sana worriedly said...

"Aigooooo..." Tzuyu get Minju from Sana's arms... "You're giving Mommy Sana a hard time huh... What do you want Minju ~ya ????..." Minju suddenly lean her head to Tzuyu's chest and she finally stop crying...  "You miss me aren't you ☺️.." Tzuyu smile as she gently caressing Minju's back...

"Whoahhh, finally she stop crying..." Sana sigh in a relief...

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You look stress love 😅..."

"I'm worried since earlier because Minju isn't stop crying...."

"Aigooo... Don't worry now, she's not crying anymore.... Right Minju~ya???.." Tzuyu check Minju and she just smile the moment she saw that Baby Minju is now peacefully sleeping in her arms... "See, she's sleeping now ^^..." Tzuyu said..


Sana quickly stood up and check Minju...

"Whoahhhh.... She just missed your presence...." Sana said...

"ㅋㅋㅋ I'll just gonna put her upstairs... By the way, did you have your dinner already????."

"No, not yet...." Sana pout...

"Arasso, Just wait me here....."


5 minutes later, Tzuyu finally came down and she already change her clothes ...

"Let's eat now.." Tzuyu said as she held Sana's hand...

"How's your work???.." Sana asked...

"Good, but tiring... How about you?? How's your day???.."

"Good, I'm also tired..  but I'm happy 🙂..."

Tzuyu walks closer to Sana and hugs her tightly...

"Thank You Love, You're such an amazing mom and wife (灬º‿º灬)♡..."


"Mmmm...." Tzuyu sweetly smile as she gently Sana's face... "You're right I can still see the happiness in your eyes even though you feel  tired 😘..." Tzuyu said as she kissed Sana's forehead...

"Because I'm happy on what I'm doing 🙂..." Sana said and genuinely smile at her..

"I love you ( ˘ ³˘)♥.."

Sana buried her face to Tzuyu's neck...

"I love you too (。・//ε//・。)..." Sana answered in a lowered voice...


FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE- SATZU [BOOK 3] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang