Chapter 18

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Tzuyu was in the kitchen and she's busy preparing for their dinner when suddenly the light suddenly shut down as the thunder lighting strikes hard...

"Ahhhhhh!!! Tzuyu~ah!!!.."

Tzuyu quickly hear Sana's scream upstairs so she immediately went upstairs to check the latter...

"Tzuyu~ah 😭...."


Tzuyu opened her phone flashlight and there she saw a crying squirrel in the bed...

"Sana..." Tzuyu quickly hugs the latter..

"Tzuyu~ah 😭 I-I'm scared..." Sana said between her sob ...

"Shhhh, stop crying now.. I'm here.. I won't leave you..." Tzuyu face her and wipe her tears.. "It's okay, don't cry now..."

Tzuyu lean on the headboard while Sana's head was on her shoulder... The lighting continue to strike as the rain was still pouring heavily...

Tzuyu held Sana's hand and she gently massage it, so that the latter will calm..

"It's okay Sana, I'm here .... Don't be afraid. I will never leave you .."


30 minutes later the light suddenly came back but it's still raining heavily. Tzuyu check her wife and the latter was now peacefully sleeping on her shoulder ..

Tzuyu gently laid down Sana on the bed, she kissed the latter's forehead before she went downstairs to continue preparing their dinner.

After an hour Tzuyu was now done preparing their dinner, so she decided now to call Sana...

When she enter the room, she saw Sana still sleeping so she seated on the bed and gently tap Sana's shoulder .



"Dinner is ready, Let's go downstairs now.."

Sana slowly opened her eyes and cutely rubs it..

"There's a light now.." She said.

"Yeah, it went back after 30 minutes, you suddenly fall asleep earlier ..." Tzuyu messed her hair.. "Are you okay now???.."

"Mmmm.." Sana nod her head..

"That's good to hear. Let's go now..."

Tzuyu held Sana's hand and they both walk downstairs while holding each other's hand..

"Whoahhhh ‼️ you cook a lot..."

"Of course, so that you can eat well 😊.."

"Komawo Tzuyu~ah ❣️.."

"Arasso, let's eat now ^_^..."


After having their dinner, Tzuyu and Sana was now preparing for bed. Sana was browsing on her phone while Tzuyu was watching some drama..

Tzuyu looks at Sana, and she saw the latter stalking Theo James Account...

"Pshhhh, Theo Again???.."

"😁😁😁..." Sana smile widely.

"So, now your stalking his account..."

"ㅋㅋㅋ He's just too attractive.. 😊.."

"Pshhh, I'm more attractive than him 😑..."

"ㅋㅋㅋ You're jealous again..."

"Stop stalking him.. he's gay..."

FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE- SATZU [BOOK 3] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon