Chapter 21

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Morning, when Tzuyu woke up she saw Sana lying on the couch. She noticed that  the latter is not comfortable in her position so Tzuyu tried to stand up even though her wound is still hurt...

Tzuyu walks closer to Sana, she seated on the couch and she stare at her wife...

"Love???.." Tzuyu gently tap Sana's shoulder ..

Sana quickly wake up the moment she hear Tzuyu's voice ..

"Tzuyu~ah...." Sana immediately seated. "Ya ~ What are you doing here??? Why did you walk?..." Sana starts nagging her...

"I saw you sleeping in a uncomfortable position... I can't bare to see you like that, you can used my bed..." Tzuyu said..

"I'm fine Tzu, don't worry... You're the one's who's patient her... Come on let's get back to your bed..."

Sana help Tzuyu until she get back to her bed..


"I'll be the one who will take care of you. No but's ... Are you now hungry????.."

"Mmmmm, where's my manager by the way???.."

"Manager Oppa is helping for the investigation since last night , and Manager Unnie .." Sana look around.. "Maybe she's outside..."


"I'll just gonna prepare your food. Manager Unnie buy food earlier, I'll just gonna heat it first..."

After preparing Tzuyu's food, she went back while holding the tray...

"Here...." Sana said... "Eat this, while it's still hot, I'll just gonna feed you.." Sana said, while pointing the spoon to Tzuyu's mouth..

"Komawo..." Tzuyu said ...

"Manager Unnie said, this coming Thursday we will leave the country..."

"Arasso, did she already book our flight?."


"Did you sleep well???.." Tzuyu asked while she gently touch Sana's face...

"To be honest I didn't sleep well because I'm worried about you, but don't worry I'm fine.. I'll just gonna sleep later..." Sana said while she held Sana's hand...

"Arasso... You can sleep beside me, the bed is wide.. I also don't want our baby to be uncomfortable..."


"How about the Unnies? Where are they?."

"They already went back to the dorm earlier around 3:00 AM. They're will be back here later..."



After she eat the nurse check her condition and Tzuyu is now getting better... And as her wife said, Sana gently laid down beside her, Tzuyu wanted to hugs Sana but she can't lift or open her arms yet, instead Sana Just hugs her...

"I want to hugs you..." Tzuyu pout...

"It's alright, I'll just hugs you instead.." Sana smile at her... "Is your wound still hurt????.."

"Mmmm, a little bit..."

"By the way, your brother message me, he's in Jeju right now he received the information about what happened on you last night.. he's worried and he's asking you... I told him that you're now okay..."

"I'm afraid with your safety, what if they hurt you..."

"Don't think too much Tzu, there's a lot of securities and body guards outside the room. And I'm sure the police will gonna catch the culprit soon... To be honest, I should be the who blamed on this..."


"I'm involved with Mark, I'm the reason why he's in Jail right now."

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault Sana.. it just that Mark's fans are all crazy, they didn't even think what the damage it costs for what they did..."

"I'm thankful that you survive it .... Thank you for coming back..." Sana said as she buried her face to the latter's neck..."

"I don't know but when the bullet came through my body and the moment I fall down, I thought that It's my final time I thought I will not be able to see you again. You and our baby is the last two person who's running on my mind yesterday before I close my eyes..."

"Tzuyu~ah...." Sana hugs Tzuyu tightly...

"Don't worry Love, what happened yesterday will not gonna be happen again. I promise you that..." Tzuyu said as she kissed the latter's crown..


Minutes later Sana was fall asleep, and exactly Elkie came to visit Tzuyu...



"How are you??? I'm in the recording studio last night when I hear the news. How are you now???.."

"I'm fine now Unnie, I'm still lucky because she shot me in the back..."

"You're still not lucky, Tzu... You don't deserve this... You didn't do anything to them..." Elkie said...

"I know.. but I didn't expect that they can hurt people..."

"They're crazy..."

"Yeah, absolutely...."

Meanwhile while they're talking Elkie noticed Sana who was lying beside Tzuyu...

"How's Sana Unnie???..."

"She's tired... She didn't sleep well last night because she can't help but to worried..."

"I understand her... She definitely cry yesterday..."

"She is..." Tzuyu said while she looks at Sana...

"Just be careful always Tzu.."

"I know Unnie, by the way thank you for coming here..."

"Your welcome Tzu, I also brought some foods for you..." Elkie said.

"Thank You Unnie..."


After an hour Sana finally woke up, she rubs her eyes and slowly opened it and there she saw Tzuyu who now intently staring at her...


"Hi, Love 🙂... Did you sleep well???."


"Good to hear, Have some breakfast now you didn't eat earlier .. " Tzuyu said ..


Sana stood up as she prepare her breakfast..

"Are you okay??? Aren't you feel hurt???.."Sana worriedly asked 

"Love I'm fine... Don't worry 🙂 by the way Elkie came here earlier she brought some foods.. there's also fruits in the basket get some and eat it..."


"Eat well Love and don't worry too much."

"Arasso Tzuyu~ah...."

"I love you Sana ( ˘ ³˘)♥..."

Sana looks at Tzuyu and she walks closer to her... "I love you too Tzuyu~ah please get well soon..." Sana said as she kissed the latter's forehead.


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