5| Arrivals

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"Come, I'll show you the room you'll be staying."

We both shook our heads and followed.  He made long strides, so we had to take twice as many steps to keep up.

After making two turns down the hall, we were in front of a door. He walked in and I turned the lights on. There were two queen-sized beds side by side. The room looked as though it belonged to boys, given the sheet's patterns.

Maybe the two guys we met.

"I'll be back in the morning."

Before he left, I muttered

"Thank you."

He turned around, looked at me, and locked the door. I turned to Naomi, who now was snooping around the room.

"What are you looking for?"

"Clothes, the bathroom, something to eat, I need to get these filthy clothes off of me."

"You're looking all this time and didn't see the bathroom there," I said, pointing to a blue door that was almost invisible.

Naomi walks over to the door, opened it to reveal a small closet full of toys. She then turned and look at me with an 'I told you so' expression. We went looking again and on our third attempt, we found the bathroom.

"Where do you think you're going, missy?"

"In the bathroom," I said matter-of-factly.

"No, no, no, no!, I'm going in first." she said moving her head like a snake. 

"No, I am," I argued back.

"Okay, okay... let's do rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins gets to go I first, deal?"


"Rock, paper, scissors say... shoot!"

"Paper, I win!" exclaimed Naomi as she shakes her body back and forth in what looked like her victory dance.

"Whatever, hurry up!"

I sat at the edge of the bed, looking around. When what looked like a shadow passed the open curtain windows. I was now at the edge bouncing my leg anxiously and slightly frightened awaiting Naomi's return.


Twenty minutes later, Naomi exits the bathroom with the same dress she was wearing earlier.

"Well, it's about damn time."

"Stwwww... I haven't bathed in days!"

"Whatever, is there a towel in there?"

"Yeah! This place is like a hotel, it's modern and has everything you could think of."

I walked into the bathroom, and it amazed me. It was huge; it had maroon walls with cream trimmings. The toilet was the one I saw on YouTube that flushed and cleaned itself, I knew it wasn't on the market for the poor.

If mom was here, she would have loved to see this place. Now it downs on me, I haven't thought of her since I got here. I wonder how she is doing. She must be taking it hard because she was the one that allowed me to go to the Halloween Festival. I'm sure dad is constantly reminding her about her decision. Ohhh how I wish I was back home. I wiped the tears that slide down my cheeks before looking up at my reflection.


I gasped, I looked dirty; I had under-eye bags and at the side of my face was a big purple discolouration. I took my clothes off, turned the shower on and got in. Yet again, surprised by how up to date this place was. I got out, dried my skin off and put on my dirty floral dress and walked out into the bedroom.

Naomi was fast asleep, sprawled off on her bed. I climbed on the cloud-like bed and allowed the softness to soothe me into sleep.

"It's time to get up," a firm voice announced.

I sat up with my eyes still shut, as I opened my eyes to the sharp rays of the morning sun. In front of me was the guy that backhanded me. I guess I can call him... backhand.

Yes, it suits him perfectly.

I looked over at Naomi, who's hair is scattered all over the place and still drunk with sleep.

"Let's get this over with... Come!" he called to me grabbing my arms.

"Get what over with?" I questioned, but he didn't answer, his grip just tightened.

"Stand in front of me," he commands

For some strange reason, I did as I was told.

What a weird request.

"Look into my eyes," his eyes were hypnotic. 

"Okay, let's stop there, this is getting weird." I scoffed laughing after. 

He didn't budge or answer, his eyes just change to red.

The door suddenly opens, and I was released from his spell, a man who looks like the butler walks in and speaks.

"Your parents have arrived, sir."

What do you think Sebastian was trying to do to Abigail before he was interrupted?

What are your thoughts of this chapter and what was your favourite scene... comment about it?

On another note, I notice some of you guys are just reading it's your choice but I hate silent readers try to interact with the story. But either way, I still love you guys... I love the comments you guys left. 

Sorry for the late update it was to be finished since Friday... but I was too lazy to type this out but here is.

Updates will be a little late next week the first update might be between Monday and Tuesday and the other between Wednesday and Saturday.

Ohhh and before I forget please help me get this book viral by SHARING and I'll be happy to give you a shout out.


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