34| Stockholm Syndrome & Explosions

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"Votre Altesse, la pièce est dégagée, cependant, nous avons reçu des informations de nos sources au Vatican selon lesquelles ils prévoient d'attaquer le palais à 13h00 demain. Quels sont vos ordres, Votre Altesse?"


"Your highness, the room is clear, however, we got some intel from our sources in the Vatican that they plan to attack the palace at 1300hrs tomorrow. What are your orders, your highness!"

"Alert the team at the palace to prepare for war. Warn my family they will know what to do!"

"Alright your highness, I'm on it!"


"Très bien votre altesse, je m'en occupe !"

His head guard bowed and walked away. When I shouted out to Sebastian, he began going toward his room.

"Sebastian?" I called.

"Yes, Abigail," he sighs.

"What's the big deal about the Vatican, and why would vampires have to hide and battle these people?"

"Please, Abigail, there's no time for this," he adds as he starts walking out again.

"Please! Sebastian, you brought me along with you. I'm just as invested as you are. "I have a right to know what's going on."

He sighs deeply before speaking.

"Over time, humans created a huge organization among themselves known as the Vatican which was founded by The Roman Catholic Church."

I walked over to a nearby couch and sat, Sebastian following suit.

He continued.

"The institution hired the finest scientists who design new technology that advances year after year." The purpose of this diplomatic meeting is to ease tensions between our sides."

"So you hide all this from me? Why?"

"I know you, even if I offered you a lot of money, you'd never agree." Because you cherish your life and consider all options rather than just the money."

I sigh in surprise.

"You know, all this how?"

"I've absorbed you simply."

"Absorbed me? When did you have the time to do that? Between being a workaholic and keeping me up at night with all the ruckus your girlfriends make."

He smirks, devilishly chuckling.

"That is just one occasion. Was scared you actually knew me better than my own parents," I say laughing.

"Anyway, so you're saying they developed technology to kill vampires?"

"I know it can kill regular vampires." But pure-bloods, my mole tells me, they are being worked on right now."

"That makes sense given that pure-bloods are known to have a specific chemical called Draculin intermingled with them. It is a single-chain protein with 708 amino acids that distinguish pure-blood vampires from regular vampires."

"I had no idea you were that knowledgeable. But it makes sense; I'll pass this information along to my research team."

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