28| It Heals It Glows

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I was terrified.

My eyes reopen. I'm drenched in cold sweat, trembling, and my heart is pounding.

Strangest of all, despite the fact that I could be in shock and probably hallucinating, my hands had a faint blue glow. I ran to the lights, panicked, and turned them on, but the glow persisted. This was the second strange thing that had happened to my body since I arrived.

The drunk man first caused the unexplained absence of my scar on my face. Then it's my hands that glowed.

This has never happened before. I needed answers, so I'll ask Sebastian for permission to use their library, which contained the information from centuries ago. It had to have the answers I was looking for.

Knocking on the door interrupts my train of thought. I switch on the lights and walk to the front door.

Sebastian is standing in front of the entrance, emotionless, as is his custom. He was dressed in a black shirt and a coat with fur at the collar. His hair remained as unkempt as before.

"Good night."

"Good night, ready?" he asks, looking at me. I was wearing the same clothes as before since I fell asleep in them.

"Bring a coat, you'll need it."

"I don't have one," I mumbled, looking down at the floor.

He sighs before saying.

"Come, let's get going," He says as he walks down the palace's halls. Strange, as it was, I stayed in the palace but had never seen it at night, except on the night we escaped out of the dungeon. On one side of the palace grounds, there were over twenty parked vehicles.

He led me to an underground passageway, which I soon recognized as the location of our previous stay. My gaze was drawn to the cell where we were staying; it was occupied by the drunk man from earlier. His face was obscured by his dark, inky hair, which was drenched in sweat.

"Approach the bars!" Sebastian commanded.

The man obeyed immediately, the expression on the man's face unreadable.

"Now, step one. Always defend yourself, and they will honor you," he roars, his voice deep and menacing.

"Now..." he pauses before handing me a knife. I look at him in surprise as I realize what he wants me to do.

"I...I...I can't," I stammered as I backed away from the knife.

"You have to!" he insists, slipping the knife into my shaking hands.

My grip on the knife slips. The drunk man took advantage of the diversion by grabbing the knife and lunging it at Sebastian. When I realized what he was up to, I shoved Sebastian out of the way, resulting in a scratch on my arm.

Sebastian, enraged, yanks the cell door off its hinges and enters, the air around us growing still.

I've never seen him show such intensity before. He clutched the man's throat, his legs hanging while clawing at Sebastian's hand as he struggled for air, slowly losing consciousness.

I ran up to him, doing everything I could to break his hold, but he just tightened. Small ragged gasps escaped until the room was filled with the loud cracking sound of bones shattering. Sebastian flings his dead body to the far end of the corridor as though it weighed nothing.

I watched the corpse's throat, which was dangling near his shoulder. Even if he was responsible for the wound on my head, he did not deserve to die. I turned to face Sebastian, who was looking at the man in the corner, his gaze then turned to me, as he amusedly watched me.

"You sadistic jerk! "Why did you kill him!" I yelled at him.

"Why would you dare to step in front of me? I can't be killed with a simple knife. "I'm immoral!" he chuckles.

He has the audacity to laugh at me.

"I had no need for all of this. You're just as I expected!" I was running out the door, sobbing through the sentences, when I collided with his hard chest. The heavy smell of woodsy soothes me in several ways. I push against his chest, but he does not budge. As his rough thumb finger wipes the tears from my eyes, I step back, looking at him with teary eyes.

"I'm different," he mumbles under his breath, trailing off.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" he asks as he removes his coat and drapes it over my shoulders.

"Tomorrow?" I exclaimed, surprised.

"Yes, tomorrow; what would you like to do?"

"Another evening walk?" I ask, uncertain if he'll consent.

He led me into the chilly breeze that blew calmly as he opened the dungeon door for me. Tonight was a full moon, and the moonlight produced a silvery light. The stars twinkled like diamonds in the velvet black sky.

I walked silently behind him, not daring to look at his face. I could hear from my heart pounding, frogs croaking, crickets chirping, and an owl hooting as fireflies swarmed around us.


We arrive in front of my room twenty minutes later. I started taking off the coat to offer him, but when I looked up, he was gone. My mind convinced me that his behavior had to be a response to what I said. The feelings he displayed tonight, down to the small gesture of brushing away the tears he caused. It all didn't fit with his normal demeanor.

Since my body was overheating, I opened the window closest to my bed. Instead of calming down, the heat increased, and when I looked down, I saw my hands glowing. I walked past the dead flower plant, noting the vibrant light of both the flowering plant and my hands. I took a step back in surprise when I saw the plant turn into a massive white flower.


Hey guys sorry for the late update, next chapter coming later tonight. Remember voting helps me a lot with motivation to update. 

Don't forget to...



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