Chapter 17

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*Southern Part of Beast Island Port

Narzul was soaring through the skies at subsonic speeds, he needs to deliver the next plan for their expansion, he landed through the port and see Kobold, Trandoshans, Humans, and Vorcha are working to build more ships to further increase their naval capability, it will be more useful because their big island are surrounded by wide waters of the ocean, when he landed he was notice by the workers and some soldiers and bowed to him, he nod in appreciation for their respect and stride without care from the heavy equipments and see some workers are having a break saying some rumours while eating their dinner at stacks of wood. He ignored it and proceeded to the office of the Admiral Building.

Narzul now see the building that built in stone and cemented, it stands in 10 meters and has 4 sentry towers that guarded by 5 Hobgoblins each tower, He enters the building and see 10 trandoshan guards holding Halberds from the side of each walls and saw the 8ft Trandoshan busy organizing his paper works and his face were very angry and frustrated from the amount of it, he went to him, "Evening Admiral Dusnak"

Dusnak was irritated now and look up slowly, "Why are you both-," she quickly shuts her mouth and see one of her Masters standing before her, She was shaking from fear and the manic smile plastered to the Boss Narzul expression sending to her and the guards was muttering prayers for her, "Those bastards really thinks I will die, I heard Boss Narzul is rumoured to be vicious," She gulps and stand up to bow at him, "What I can do for you, Boss Narzul?"

Narzul just giggles at his nervousness, "Don't be so nervous Admiral I'm just here to deliver another Order from Ealnith and help you mange the fleet,"

Dusnak breathes in relief that she was not in trouble and her head will not be chop, she rubbed her scaly face gently and straighten her posture and step aside to her chair. "You can sit at my chair Boss Narzul," She offers albeit with stuttering voice, "There's no need Admiral, just show me the built fleets that you build for 20 years"

Dusnak was nodding fast looking cartoonish and her guards where snickering but stop with her heated glare at them. Dusnak motion to Narzul to follow him outside and they stride for 300m east away from the office and see the completed fleets and crew ready to embarked at this night, "Here's the completed Ship Boss Narzul, we have built 160 sloop ships, 145 brig ships, 100 War Galley and 50 Galleon ships" Dusnak said to him with pride.

Narzul carefully observe all of them and was amaze about the fleet, it was very close to be an armada, "I'm impressed about this build production that you have admiral, you are truly blessed by hard workers," His tapping the admiral's shoulders for a great work.

Dusnak was crying inside that her Boss was amaze from all the works of her workers, "Thanks to the Species of Vorcha we don't need much maintenance from the workers, and they're biology is astonishing they are good crew and they can adopt in any environment they are little dumber than humans, Gnolls and Trandoshans but they are useful when you really ingrained into their head about the jobs," She said with full conviction.

Narzul approach the galleon touching the hulls feeling the smoothness and the sturdy exterior of the ship which Dusnak followed him, to Dusnak surprise she was took by Narzul grabbing her coat and they jumped on the bird's nest of the galleon making Dusnak yelped from the sudden strong pull and fast jump of her Boss. They landed on it and see more ships are being built that 1 km away from their location, Narzul whistled from the ship that still being built, "How many more ships that will be built Admiral?"

Dusnak fixed his admiral suit and clears his throat, "In the next 65 years we will finish 420 Schooners, 360 Brigs, 260 War Galley and 220 galleon ships,"

He leaned on the edge of bird's nest, "Hmm.. Good thing we have 1,200 mile West to East Mountain in the north that we can mine Gold, Gems, and other material that make us money and we are surrounded by water so we can catch pearls to support this kind of expenses and Ealnith message me in my head that she sent to me. We are getting 690,000 gold a year and trade agreement from the Ulthuan, Sylvania, and Empire of Man in all, it will support our venture to the east." Narzul turn around to looked at Admiral Dusnak, "Tell me how many are active patrol in our sea Admiral?

"Base on my reports 60 War Galley and 140 brigs are patrolling our shores around this island,"

"Good," He turn to the admiral, "The next plan admiral will be another colony from the east of our island, the continent called Sothoryos do you know that continent admiral?"

Dusnak was surprise hearing that continent, "Yes I've heard about it from our Gargoyle scouts, they fly endlessly mapping and exploring the land memorizing it and Imps casting illusion magic to infiltrate other cities that has been built by other kingdoms, but there are obstacle we will have to go, A narrow strait from an unknown continent that called Ulthos, if our fleet went there they will find another sea called the Jade Sea and another possible option for our trade from the Great Empire of Yi ti."

Narzul was smiling and rubbing his chin with his fingers "That's like our western part of our island a good training ground for our savage troops," He looked at the admiral and commanded, "Send the newly built 100 sloops, 50 Brigs, 50 War Galleys and 30 galleon ships to colonize that Area we need to build another base of operations there and be sure that you best hide the colony and avoid contact, if you capture them then do whatever you want with them,"

Dusnak was contemplating about the new settling villages far away, "According to my estimate it will be 9,000 miles a very long voyage and costly. It will be 7 months travel a gruelling task for the type of our ship but thanks to our magic it will be just 3 months travel and it would be my pleasure for such challenge as this Boss Narzul, I will do it and train our men for couple of years and gather supplies that can last 10 years for this size of fleet," Dusnak was very happy about the challenge to travel beyond their seas.

Narzul was sure giddy from the new continent to conquer, "C'mon Admiral let's celebrate from this," He grabbed the admiral and flew them off to the bar, which the admiral was just crying inside and shouting his lungs out from the sudden grab again from his boss, "T_T Just give me the seas everyday but flying is terrible for me, what a horrid fate that gives me,"

*200 miles away from the North of Chateau

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