Chapter 1

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                                                                           Chapter 1: Introduction
Tercio Katar Picture Above 
Read the next chapter first for further information about the characters 2nd Form and 3rd form and His Pairing 
*Makai Realm*

It was a foggy day in the morning when I wake up, I raise my head and look around. " Damn! I really overslept on this giant rock, better go to that Old man hmm... where I am? And this sucks my clothes are torn apart I love my hoodies and this pants they are comfortable that's what I get when I go all out for my training". you are thinking why I was sleeping on a giant rock funny you should ask, I train for continously for 10 years , I've been improving my strength, Dark Energy and stamina for the new dimension that I want to live in.

My name is Tercio Katar, I am a demon, and I'm 18 years old, I started training when I'm 8 years old, because I was scared that another stronger demon will bully or torture me again like my early year on this realm when I was reborn in this Dimension, thanks to the sorcerer that finds and pity me, he was astonish I was still alive after the massive beat up that he sees my body having huge wounds and maim from a demon, thank kami that I was save before I die. My looks are raven long hair, A little feminine face, single 4 inch horn in my forehead with a small blue fire on its tip, and Light Tan lean body.

I stretch my whole body for 5 minutes and sit in meditating position and sense all the energy around me, I'm sensing from the North there was a massive herd of demon dog a whole 300 of them," Damn they must be on the hunt, I thought they were hibernating right now, I really need to keep notice what day is it at least they are 50 miles away from me a 4 day of running to get to me and 1 week if they rest, I have time for this nothing to worry of," 

I keep meditating for 1 minute I sense from the west there were just a 4 demon like me walking to the east of their direction, They are hunting it seems must avoid them, I can feel they are strong individuals and I sense from the east of my location, just a pack of demon animals in Thorn forest nothing special, then I sense the sorcerer from the south and opened my eyes then smiled," Aha! There he is, New Dimension here I come!." Said to myself excitedly with a smiled like a loon~

I get up from my meditative post, collected my big back pack and started running south, the sorcerer was very far he was 100 miles away from my location, good thing my training bears fruit, I can go there in 1 hour of non-stop running, I started to run to that direction and started planning while I'm running What will I do to this new dimension and prepare for new challenge ahead at that new frontier!. There will be new faces will met and new places to go, I've started to get bored in this place and this is a dangerous place for a weak demon like me, pitiful power that I have, at least I was smart to avoid dangerous situation and pick a smart tactics when a more powerful enemy I will face like that demon bug I've met 5 years ago my battle with that bug was a close call thanks to my new abilities I learn, I defeated that bug after 5 hours of battle.

*Flashback 5 years ago Thorn Forest*

"Fuck! I can't hit this thing and keep s hitting me with his sting!." I dodge another Sting and Energy beam coming out from the bug demon's mouth and stared at me angrily." Keep still you miserable demon!, just let me eat you! At least you're energy will become useful to my appetizer for my morning hunt! *Drill Beam!*.

*No way in hell I will not dodge to this deadly beam you keep sending to me what I am stupid!," I dodge and replied angrily to the Bug Demon that keeps producing acid saliva that the demon spitting on me in my openings ,"aargh!" It got me in the chest that really hurts, My eyes keeps crying from the pain goddamn it!, I need to get used to this, I'm still newbie in this realm and I met this demon accidentally in thorn forest," Go to the thorn forest, he said it will be easy he said fucking old man did not warn me that there was a powerful glutton bug demon that lives this area!, I thought it wil just be normal demon animals that mind their own business!".

We kept this until the bug demon send his powerful attack to me and faster than his previous attacks," Ahh! I will stop this nonsense take this you maggot *Thunder Barrage*".
the bug unleashes a lot of lightning at me, the lightning is big as the tree, I keep dodging, but I've been hit three times in my stomach and backside, I'm really hurting right now, if this continues I will die in this forest, I quickly think of something," Yes there is it I got a plan just need this bug to be distracted a bit, Hey bug takes this!, *Sonic Scream!*. Extreme loud sound wave come out from my mouth and successfully hit the Bug

"Arrggghhh! Damn you little demon! You'll pay for this transgression!." The demon bug is flying dizzy.

"That's it!, that's the opening I need! *Hypersonic Barrage!*.

I leap from the ground and dash to the unstable bug demon and unleashed a hundred powerful barrage of fist on the bug face, I don't stop until the face of the bug is crush.

While I punch the bug to oblivion, we broke through massive rock formation and destroyed a thorn trees with my technique, then I stopped and look at my work and I was amaze when I see the bug is still alive, but it has holes in it's body, the bug body is really durable.

Then the bug opened it's eyes and woobly standing up, it ready it's claws to me and said to me," This is not the end little demon I will not be killed this easily *Razor edges*,"

The bug really getting on my nerves now! It charges at me in fast speeds, but it was too slow now that I could see it clearly where it's moving right now!, It was surprise that I caught both of his claws," What!? You caught both of my claws!, Are you really weak?!,"

" No I'm not weak, just a cautious individual and enough of this talk! I'm gonna end you here right now, I was just conserving my energy in the first place!, now you are out of dark energy to initiate another technique!," I transformed myself into my second form, I've grown to 15ft to my previous form of 6ft.

*Tercio 2nd form : The picture of the 2nd form is in the end of this chapter

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