Chapter 9

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*Helicarrier Hallway

Tercio and Nat is walking through the hallway slowly taking their time to relax before the mission," Tercio why did you still cast an illusion to your face?"

Tercio turn his head around and still walking "Oh this It's just my morning rule, for not surprising the normal humans from my Apartment,"

"You should lift the Illusion Ter, be comfortable now in this place nobody will judge you"

"If you say so Nat," Tercio lift the illusion showing his 4 inch horn on his forehead with blue fire on the tip, and 3 inch sharp ears, making the other people in helicarrier stared at him with suspicion and amazement, Nat walk beside him and smirking then tangled her right arm to Tercio's left arm," See you are more true to yourself, this mission will be a good get know together you see~" Nat said with a hint of sarcasm.

Tercio flush and pouts, but he didn't untangled her arm," You are just making fun of me, I know what I sense in you woman! Hmph!" Nat just chuckled," You making me easy to make fun of you, like I achieve a little brother to look at"

"Ok Big Sis show this little brother some tricks if you are free," Tercio said it with sass

"Oh this will be lovely," They both laugh and share stories, until they open the door to the locker room," Why I'm on girls locker room?"

Nat just smirks a little," You're body type is almost close to girls but more lean and toned, your suit is back there, wear it I will be waiting here," Tercio went to the direction Nat pointed out and went there, Nat hears the door open up and she see Agent Melinda May," You're here? That's fast, how's the debriefing?

Agent Melinda just lean on the locker with a dismay etched on her face," It's a headache, a demon seriously, this is some weird scenario what will happen next, and we will all bring some high ordinance weapons for this mission, and looks like we are going to war,"

"At least we have a demon of our own to beat them and help us to this fight,"

Melinda raise an eyebrows," Demon of our own? Where?"

"He is over there, trying to wear his suit,"

Melinda looked over Nat shoulders and she just sees the back of the person," Figuratively or Literally?"

"Literal demon of our own,"

Melinda was astonish about this information," This is surprising, Coulson was very cryptic about the debriefing that who was helping us to deal with this, I should have just cornered him and force him," Melinda Huffed

Nat just laugh at Melinda's reaction," That's like Coulson, he likes being secretive about something to cause a reaction to his teammates, So how's Bobbi?"

Melinda cracks a smile even," She doing very well right now, just shock when Coulson said in debriefing, her nickname hell-beast will put to the test though," in exact time Bobbi Morse come in and stare at them with.

"So anyone hungry before we go to this Mission, Looks liked this will be a War Zoned in waiting for this shit show," Bobbi said with a joking tone.

May and Nat grin at Bobbi's joke," Let's wait for my new Little Bro at the back before we go to the Mess Hall," Bobbi was intrigue about this Little Bro Nat was talking about, she look over Nat shoulder and see the little bro Nat was talking about, and she was awestruck at what she sees," who the hell is that?"

"It's Tercio the new Recruit for avenger's initiative, and a Demon"

"Demon! Fucking hell, and that's what Agent Coulson was talking about that will help us to this demons?! And little brother or sister?"

Nat just cackled and Melinda just snickers at the background "In a nutshell yeah and he is man just a little feminine, don't worry though he is pretty naive at some things, but he will be a great help for us and he is a decent being, I just feel in my gut he is hiding something else but not for malicious intent, let's get to know him better before we judge" Nat said kindly to Bobbi, which Bobbi bob her head for understanding. Tercio was within close range to them and was surprise there's two woman that Nat location," Nat this Shield tactical suit is a little bit tight downside~" Tercio complains.

"Get use to it, surely if you wear that when you are home, your Boyfriend can't resist that looks," Causing Tercio to blush," You are making fun of me huh~"

"Of course you are my little brother right now, and I forgot this is Agent Melinda May," Tercio look at her and bows a little to her," Nice to meet you ma'am"

Melinda just look at him good naturedly," What a nice manners you have young man, not like the other recruits that I trained here," Melinda returns the bow, and Nat continues and point at Bobbi," This is Bobbi Morse one of our best in SHIELD,"

"Nice to meet you too"

"So you are the Demon that on our side, what's your intention in this world?" Looking at Tercio scrutinize him.

Tercio just look at her innocently and clueless," Oh nothing actually, I'm just here on my first time to integrate here, and Director Fury was interested to me~"

Bobbi look at Nat and signal to her "Later I will explain to you", Bobbi look at Tercio again," So what kind of demon are you," Tercio is getting nervous and Bobbi continues to walk around Tercio's back," Because you are adorable than those ugly ones compare to those demons at presentation that Coulson in briefing room!," To Tercio's Surprise Bobby Hug him which making Tercio chuckled nervously, making the other two agents laugh at their display, and Bobbi pinch his Ear for fun, but to their shock it generates a moan from his mouth, which the three female agents just stop and stare at Tercio, Bobbi looks intrigue," What?! you're moaning from that?"

Tercio blush," My ear is sensitive part of my body, please do be careful" he beg her, which Bobbi just smirk deviously, she pinch it again making him moan sensually again, Melinda May just stared at Natasha's poker face," You have a cute brother for a demon huh and he seems not dangerous at all,"

Natasha just leer," I sense he will be a good comrade at arms and a good kid, then my gut doesn't laid me astray in my years of work and giving me allies then not dangerous you say, he is almost dangerous as the hulk," Romanoff said to her in grim voice at the end, eliciting a worried face from May and Nat just ignore the May worried looks and stared at the two having fun, "Hey you two stop that now you are making ruckus here and we have a intruder listening to us," Natasha open the door with her high tech watch and someone falls over from the door, the three woman looking at the door direction, it was Fitz and Barton having a nosebleed, Natasha just smirks and take a picture with her watch," You are perverts caught in action huh, a good blackmail for you and Fitz," Making Melinda and Bobby frown at them, and both males gets up, wiping their nose bleed and Barton speaks," Well to our defence 2 of us are healthy males, that hear some moaning and get intrigue and don't accuse us! right Fitz!," Fitz just nods and puffs his chest further proving their point, making Nat just giggle then Bobbi and Melinda just rolled their eyes at their absurd display of defending themselves.

Barton speaks up," I think we have time for dinner right now come on, me and Fitz will join you"

"Sure Barton, is okay with you guys?" Natasha agrees to Barton and look at the two women that sighs and agree with Nat, all of them go for the mess hall and was shock what happen next

*Mess Hall

The five Agents were astonished at the amount Tercio Eaten, and Tercio was looking at them," What? I didn't eat much when I got here?"

"That's 20 serving of food in a whole day you've just eaten!, that's seems abnormal to me" Hawkeye said to Tercio

"I'm different than you Mr. Barton, I'm a demon that was train to hell to achieve my state, you should see my friend Goku he can eat 40 times than this"

"Then you have no mess in your table and all clean, while you eaten that kind of amount, and how you maintain that figure, I'm jealous about this" Bobbi said to him with irritated toned.

"That's confuses me too Ms. Morse even in my training, I didn't develop much muscle they just got denser than bigger like the other normal people here," Tercio replied to her

Then Fitz first to speak because he remember the briefing room," I have a question Tercio, do you believe this kind of magic can't achieve by science and magic isn't real!"
"Mr. Fitz magic is real, just different energy source than your science can understand, well according in my assumption because in my dimension-"

Tercio was cut off by Fitz," You are from Different Dimension! Holy hell! You should tell more me about it this will be another breakthrough!"

Tercio just rolled his eyes at Fitz, Tercio decided tells all the details to Fitz which the other agents listen intently at his explanation about his dimension. They were gawking at him especially Fitz," That's a lot to take in, I will tell this to Simmons she will be surely asked you many questions"

"Please don't I'm getting tired after those complicated explanations," Tercio Turn his head to Nat with a pleading look, "Could I please know where is my room so I can rest please," Tercio asked Nat

"I'll show you the way Ter," Nat said to Tercio.

"Isn't a women room again?" Tercio suspiciously asked Natasha, making her giggle," Of course we want to know you more!, isn't that right Bobbi and Melinda" The women just nods and Barton complains" What?! that is not fair!, Tercio need to be befriend us too!"

"Tell that to Director Fury legolas, he assign his room to us, because if he assign a room to you, that will give him headache at the amount of pranks you will teach him" Nat sassily said to Barton.

"That's a bummer, I sense the kid that he will become my next disciple for my fun"

"Poor man, steal one of his favourite toy~" Bobbi snidely said to Barton

Making Barton huffed and grab Fitz from the back of his shirt that is thinking deeply from Tercio stories from other dimensions," Let's go Fitz, you and I will toast for a forgotten brother member that was taken by witches!"

Nat and Bobbi laughs at Barton antics and making May shake her head, and Bobbi went to Tercio's side," We will be good friends isn't that right Ter?" Tercio seeing an ominous glint on her eyes.

Tercio just gulps about those cunning eyes," I hope so Agent Morse"

"Oh don't be scared we will have fun" Tercio was unwillingly pulled by Bobbi that followed by Nat and May.


"Umm... Where are we going?" Tercio asked anxiously

"We are going to Training room to spar, we would like to see your skills if you could, we were just curious," Natasha replied.

Tercio contemplates about it, his anxiety has been removed," Sure Nat I'll show you" Tercio said joyfully.

They walk for 5 minutes and see the training room," Tercio you should go in first, I'll just to talk to agent Morse and May."

"Sure Nat, I'll be waiting there" Tercio goes in the room and Natasha turn his head around," So any questions for him?"

Melinda May speaks first," I like to question you about, that he is almost dangerous as hulk, that's seems impossible" Melinda May said, and Bobby just gawked at the information," Shit I making fun of him, that can almost kill me"

"Don't mind it you guys, according to his mannerism he is a decent kid, and plus he knows how to control his powers not like the hulk the is almost unstoppable force," Natasha tries to elevate their worries about Tercio, Melinda just reluctantly agree to her reason, but still on alert to Tercio and Bobbi just *tsk*," Can't believe that adorable kid is almost dangerous as the green behemoth, but he was so polite and meek too!"

"If you want a savage teammate that will be his Boyfriend" Natasha added.

Bobbi widened her eyes," That Kid! Has a boyfriend how old is he?"

"19 years old and almost 20 well according to his birth month," Nat said
"What?! he is so young to have one, and who is his Boyfriend?" Bobbi asked suspiciously, even Melinda leaned on.

"Brian M. Hanby or Creed, aka son of Sabertooth," Melinda hears the shocking revelation, "Wait the one that saves me from time of Iraq war, the same Brian" Nat just incline her head for confirmation.

"That's good to hear, his manners is cold and savage, but he is a decent man on that time," Melinda said to Nat, while Bobbi Interjects," Then he is the Son of Sabertooth that murderous mutant that massacred a lot of civilians and men in military!, I didn't know that Kid has fetish of savage men," Bobbi said it jokingly and serious at the same time.

Making Nat and Melinda just snorts from the thought that a polite boy was in love with the kid of sabertooth, then Nat said," Come on Tercio is waiting for the sparring" The three enters the room and see Tercio was topless and was practicing with a staff, they were horrified by the scars he has on his body that almost fatal, Nat approach him," Tercio were here,"

"Oh Natasha, I sense you are still talking so I decided to practice first," Tercio said.

"Sure go ahead, we will just take off our tops," The three girls take of their Shield tactical suit, and they just wear sport bras and gym shorts.

"So how do we start this sparring session," Bobbi asked Tercio.

"We can start 1v3," Tercio cockily said to them, making the three raise eyebrows and Melinda May just scoffs," You are cocky kid"

"I deserve to be cocky for now~" Tercio playfully said to them.

"You're funeral brat!" Bobbi charge at him first, which followed by Melinda and Nat.

*3 hours of sparring LATER

"Damn that kid, we can't even land a hit on him and he is just playing with us," Bobbi said with frustration, all 3 of them have bruises, but not big enough to incapacitate them, "He has the power and skills, but let's use his weakness," Nat said, and causing Melinda May look at her," How?"
Nat wiggle her eyebrows at Bobbi, making her smile," Hey Tercio there's someone at the door it's Brian!"Bobbi shouts to him, Tercio was shock and look at the door with anticipation, but it was just a distraction, Bobbi leap to topple him at his back turn and pinching his ears that making him weak and moan from the touch. "T-T you devilish woman, it's unfair!"

"Hey! we can't hit you after the 3 hours that we give it all just to hit you, and we completely defeated you kid! For this kind of distraction (๑'• ₃ •̀๑)", Bobbi reason to Tercio, and still pinching his ear making him down and Bobbi toppled him in his back, while Nat and May sigh in relief that they are feeling tired from Tercio's sparring they have the same thought about him, "Tercio is a monster in combat"

"Stop that you two, we are finish now," Melinda orders Bobbi then she gets up and Tercio pouts at her and muttered, "Meanie", making Bobbi just show her tongue in a mocking way," So Tercio what is the scar all over your body, it looks fatal enough to kill a human in a seconds?," Melinda asked Tercio.

Tercio stands up and see his body, then he tries to remember," This scars in my upper bodies are cause of my 8 years of Torture when I was born in Makai Realm or Demon Realm in your tongue," Tercio said that first making Natasha frowns at what he said, even Melinda and Bobbi are angry at what he says.

"8 years of torture? When you are born?" Natasha asked with anger on her tone.

"Yeah pretty much, I was a human before I've become a demon Nat, it was a confusing time for me to reborn on that realm, I tried to survive but those older demon bullied me and tortured me for their fun,"

"You are a human in your previous life?!" Bobbi said.

"My own dimension has weird rules than this dimension Miss Morse, even the afterlife has bureaucracy for the souls that goes in afterlife," Melinda, Nat, and Bobbi was just dumbfounded at the information," Bureaucracy?! In the afterlife, don't tell me more, I'm gonna go drink to this after I was knockout" Bobbi said with exasperation

Tercio just smirks," You know Oni and ogres where the workers~"

"I thought Angel were the guiders to heaven?" Bobbi asked at ridiculousness

"Oh the angel is just Blue Skin humanoid in our dimension and guides the Gods of Destruction to destroy a planet or galaxy~" Tercio added more, enjoying the reaction from Bobbi.

"You're shitting me right!, and God of Destruction wha-, you know what whatever! They aren't in this dimension and stop that, you are enjoying my frustration aren't you?" Bobbi said to Tercio who was giggling.

"Well it's my revenge on you woman~" Tercio sarcastically replied. Bobbi just rolled her eyes at him, and Melinda asked tercio again about the scars," Then what is the story about the big scar in your abdomen?"

Tercio turn his head on her and stare at his abdomen and trailing it with his hand," This is what I get, when I battled a fellow demon he stabbed a sword at me,"

"How did you survived it?" Nat asked with a concerned tone.

"We demons are semi-immortals Natasha and we can heal 15x more than humans" Tercio tries to remove her concern for him, Natasha reluctantly accepts the answer.

"Now that we are finish, where could I get some shower here," Tercio asked.

"C'mon I guide you there" Bobbi said to him, Tercio just anxiously stared at her which irritate Bobbi," No I will not touch your Ear again~", then both of them go to the shower.

Nat and Melinda seen them exit the room and started to talk.

"Nat you are very serious right now?"

"It's just the kid get through horrible times when he was young, just triggers my memories about the red room, and you Melinda you seem concern to him too,"

Melinda sighs," It's just I want to have kids, but that would be dangerous for my job, and incident completely traumatized me when I killed the Inhuman child,"

*Next Morning Helicarrier

Tercio just finish showering when he wake up he put his shield tactical suit and his armour that Weasel made for him the Dark Assassin armor set, Tercio was now texting Brian.

Tercio's armor:

Good Morning Brian, We were going to south Germany because of accidents of demonic presence, I hope you are okay there?

Tercio wait for 3 minutes and his phone rings.

Good Morning there too Ter, I'm okay here just finishing some thugs trying to break in and be safe there too and take care of yourself, if something happens just contact me if you need help, ok?"

Tercio Text him again.

"Sure, if there was an emergency I will call you, I love you~

"Hey Tercio, what you got in there?" Bobbi asked Tercio which giving yelp from the sudden voice he heard," Oh I just texting Brian~"

"You sure are love couple material huh, I hope it's successful not like my husband that we divorced for not understanding each other," Bobbi reminiscing her past looking bitter about it.

Tercio notice Bobbi's soured mood and decides to divert the topic," So when we are going to helicarrier runaway?"

"25 minutes before takeoff, we still have time to relaxed," Bobbi answered, after 15 minutes Agent Natasha finish showering and wear her armored suit like Bobbi and strapping his anti material rifle at her back and 2 metal and 10 inch mace on her hip.

Their Armored suit for the ladies:

"Bobbi, Tercio, let's go we have time to get onto the first Chinook to take off," Natasha orders them, and both of them followed her," How will be going there with the permission of German Government?" Tercio asked

"The Director and the chancellor have talks about our mission and presence there, they know how risky this is" Natasha explain, and Bobbi asked another," How about the media, they will be sure notice those tons of troop transporting,"

"The German Government and Director Fury will handle it, they would ban them for now for not risking a uproar from the populace," Natasha replied.

They were now at the runway and a single Chinook with 14 agents and Agent Barton is sleeping on his seat, they entered it and talk to Tercio about the briefing before the take off, "We were ordered that we go first to the German military outpost just 4km away from the Forest mist, we will scout there and regroup with our 400 agents after our mission, to plan how to search the young populace that have been kidnapped, any other question kid?"

"I see some energy weapons you got there, How did you make it?," Tercio asked eyeing the energy weapons.

"Those weapons are from Hydra lab in 1940's that SHIELD capture, a single shot of them can obliterate a single 5 meter thick metal wall,"

"Hmm...How many minutes before we get there?"

"Just 1 hour trip to our location from north of Germany, so be ready andenchant our weapon here"

Tercio nod and chant all their weapons and bullets with his dark energy tomaximize their effectiveness, which the other agents just look at their weaponstheirs a red stream small mist coating their weapons and Barton just woke upseeing his Bow become red," The hell is this?!"

"That's my enchantment Agent Clint, don't worry it's not hazardous when I'mcontrolling it"
Tercio explain to Clint making him less scared about the red mist the coat hisweapon.

"Ok just warn me next time kid, I thought there was a demon in this Chinook fora sec"

"Well technically you are right" Agent Romanoff said to Clint.

"Oh right. Tercio's a demon," Barton said and Bobbi snorts, The Chinook takesoff and they were going to south of Germany for 1 hour trip.
I've finish it finally, now we can go to the next arc! 

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