Chapter 6

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*Sister Margaret's Bar

"You both are getting into more dangerous situations and dealings huh~, I was scared shitless here especially that Feminine fatale Red head, I thought my life flash before my eyes!," Weasel rants to them, they were seated on the counter

"Don't worry weasel at least the one who killed you is beautiful woman, seek some comfort there," Tercio coyly said to Weasel, making him snort at thinking at the thought of it.

"Then Wade will make a fun of your corpse, while you have a scared boner," Brian remarked, Weasel winced from that and see them both laughing", Yeah laugh it you both, for making my mood worse," Weasel shakes his head and notice how closed they are and comfortable at each other," So you to huh, you make a weird couple since Wade having an blind old woman as a girlfriend" The two laugh and Tercio was just busy drinking his fruit drink that especially made by Weasel, then someone interrupted them.

"Hey! Do not be like that! Al is a good girl friend, geez Weasel you surely talked behind my back, my poor aching heart~" Dramatic voice said to them.

Weasel and Brian just rolled their eye, and Tercio turn his head to the speaker," Umm.. Who are you?"

Wade went to them "Oh me I'm Wade the greatest friend that you will ever had, I see you like Big guys too~, like me but I am having second thoughts from Colossus he is big you know, and I don't like to cheat on Vanessa my love~" Wade said it.

"Shut up Wade! You are really a drama queen and please sit here, you want to hear their story" Weasel signalled him to sit with them.

"Ok then, gladly the author included me here, I'm not hard to write~," Wade looking at the writer.


"Oh shit! You are recruited by Nick Fucking Fury, why I don't get to join?!," Wade complain

"Because you are a massive headache to him base on what he said, at least that's a impressive feat that even Nick Fury is avoiding you," Brian said to him with a smirk.

"Hmm.. headache my ass, his brain just can't handle my greatness!, so you are Tercio huh, you are really pretty, that's why this Big Furry Friend of mine is head over heels on you," Making Brian and Tercio Blush," Aww~ what a cute couple like Beauty and the Beast minus the Stockholm syndrome", The three mercenaries just laugh and making Tercio confuse," I don't understand wade?"

Wade just gasp and looked at Brian," You should have recommend him good movies that I will never speak here, because copyright reasons!"

"Don't worry about that Wade we were getting there and plus Tercio likes is different"

"Oh really? So Tercio what is that you like?"
"Well I like to watch some shows that has theme of animal discovery channel's and monster movies, they felt so homely for me,"

"Aw shucks that's different of what I like," Wade said in despair, and Tercio patting him with a hand on his shoulders," So what's special about you that Nick Fury recruited you?"

"If we talk about this, could I do something first?" Wade and Weasel nod, Tercio cast a barrier to 4 of them and illusion magic, he lifted his illusion magic to his face, making the two wide eye and while Brian busy drinking and watching their reactions.

Weasel and Wade shout in surprise and Weasel analyzing him," Damn! You have horn and long ear?! Are you really a demon or a cursed elf within my knowledge of mythical beings in fairy tale books?."

"No Weasel, I'm different demon you speak of, and I'm from different dimension, I hope you make this a secret please,"

"Scouts Honour! I will never tell anyone, I'm crazy and loyal friend to a fault how about you Weasel?"

"Me? Of course I won't, I don't like the SHIELD visiting me here in my humble abode, they have a whole upper level than CIA, and firstly the red hair woman and you Tercio scares me a lot," Weasel shuddered making Wade and Brian snickered at him, "plus Brian is my friend".

"That's why we toast! For our deeds and future misadventures!," Wade loudly said to them, They clang their beers, and Tercio clang his fruit drink to them, they finish their drink and the couples say goodbye to Wade and Weasel, they ride Brian's vehicle back to apartment."

*Brian's Apartment Complex

Both of them go to their respected rooms and rest, Tercio was ready to sleep, but Brian calls him from the phone," Hello Tercio I have an idea, would you like to live in my room? So we could become more close to each other my room here in first floor is 5x more spacious than your room."

Tercio mull over from that," Sure~ I would love that, don't forget to be ready to meet Ealnith ok?~"
"S-sure Tercio I'll b-e re-ady for her"
Brian nervously answered to him, he cut off the phone and Tercio laughs at Brian voice," He is really scared about Ealnith even he didn't even met her, she is just like me, if I am more strict and serious, I notice when I'm training Brian his Ki is getting more Darker, hmm.. I sense darkness about his energy maybe that's the element of his Bear Spirit, I need to asked more information about his bear spirit," Tercio sleep for tomorrow.

*12:00 NN Brian's Apartment Complex

Tercio went to Brian counter to meet him, he see him just reading a newspaper, but he senses his practicing his energy that looks like a shadow," Brian good afternoon, could I asked you a question?"

Brian put down the newspaper and focused his attention to Tercio," Sure what's up?"

"I liked to asked you, why is your Ki is getting more Darker the more you train it, could you clear it up for me please, this is have something to do to your Bear Spirit?"

"I guess I will reveal this to you too, The Bear Spirit have elements, the element of bear that merge from me has Dark and Fire element, I can travel to shadows and merge with them if is night time that's but when in my Full Werebear form I can use fire elements like Fire Breathe, but I did not much use it because of the lack of enemies when I've become a landlord,"

"Would you like to discover new skills from your powers?, I will gladly help you in my best of abilities~"

"Sure just tell me when would we start" Brian was glad Tercio will help him

"We can start tomorrow and used the remaining days before your meeting about the truce in turf wars"

"Yeah I would like that thanks Tercio" Brian get's out of the counter then he hug Tercio in the waist kissing him and Tercio kiss back then he put his arms on the neck of Brian, it lasted for 10 seconds and they pull back, Tercio was panting for the lack of air and lust, while Brian smirk which earn him a slap which he just laugh and Brian just Kiss him again.


*2 weeks later Brian's room

Brian is wearing a black suit for the meeting with his hand covering a black glove then he look at the mirror a major change happen to him," The 2 weeks of training is really hard, but I was glad Tercio is there to guide me how to use my capabilities of my dark element, I can create a shadow animals that 5x powerful than the original animals, my Ki blast is now shape of a flame and dark color, and I can form a shadow arm that can grab and slash my enemies, Tercio is really good teacher in this, even it's his first time and he isn't even a master," Brian exits his room and see Tercio waiting for him," Tercio I'm going now, are you sure that you can handle this job in apartment complex?

"Yep, you just teach me and I'm taking online classes thanks to you, but could you help me with my studies, I'm trying so hard with my subject like math, science, and history~"

"Sure I would help you but I'll will go for now, take care love," I kiss tercio to the lips and went to my car and call Weasel," Hello Weasel where is the meeting place?"

"Hello there too, the meeting place will be at Red Fish Blue Restaurant," Brian drive his car to the location," Do you sense a trap in these place or he will offer a food to poison us?, This seems easy a war between this kind of group will last a 10 years or lifetime Weasel,"

"Then I will eat now before I go there, I will bring extra men to guard outside, Me and Fisk only agree that both parties will only bring 5 person inside, plus those Russians mafias and HAND are bringing their guards against me so you are my only best chance to be alive walking out there,"

"Where's Wade though?"

"He is busy doing his Job at Japan he says"

"I'll be there Weasel" Brian cut off the call and sped up his car.

*Red Fish Blue Restaurant

Brian park his car just beside the Restaurant and see Weasel with his four guards in the front," Weasel! I'm here, are we still waiting?"

Weasel look at me like he has seen a ridiculous idiot that standing before him," You look like want to kill something and you look tamed than wild right now?"

"You really think of me like that in all my life huh~"

"Well you are the son of the ferocious Sabertooth Brian and you almost look like him, except your mother genes tamed the looks,"

"Well my mother just have sex with that beast and survive, I can bet she is fighter even her genes,"

Weasel chuckled at the thought," Come on they are on inside we are 1 minute late, just remember stay closed to me, I'm your main objective to protect nothing else, if you run around or something I'll shit my pants in there"

Brian chuckled at thought of Weasel shitting his pant," You know Weasel, that's the best idea I've ever heard in a while, when you and me become friends, don't worry I won't tell, just me and Wade will know"

Weasel look at him with annoyance," You two are bunch of dickheads huh, just protect me and I heard this Hand is tenacious if they want something they would get it, no matter the cause and effect,"

"That's really a troublesome mindset they have, I guess we should thread carefully from now on, there would many surprises and obstacle will be on the way,"

"Yeah no shit, now follow me and keep alert,"

They enter the restaurant, it was little bit darken inside, but they see the main table of Kingpin with an Asian man and some Caucasian dude that looking at weasel with great disdain, they approach the table and sit opposite to them," Now that we met, where should we start," Weasel started the conversation with confidence.

Kingpin spoke first with a hidden rage in his voice," I think we should start the one you brought Weasel, he killed my underling Hammerhead,"

Brian glance at Kingpin," What you want to know about that Frankenstein reject you keep, Mr. Fisk?"

Kingpin is getting enrage every second pass," Why did you kill him?"

"That buffoon ordered his men to vandalize my apartment and making it there forward base for the Turf War that you declared on the Mercenaries,"

Kingpin just scoffed and look at him like his stupid," You should have move out you brainless oaf, the apartment of yours are just insignificant to my plan, I'm going to build an empire that help the people of Hell's Kitchen my hometown!, and you just delayed it"

Brian chuckled darkly making Weasel gulp," Insignificant you say, you are really a madman as I heard Mr. Fisk, that apartment complex was given by my mother, you understand that Mr. Fisk?"

"Not my mother Mr.?"

" Brian M. Hanby"

"Mr. Hanby, that's not an excuse for you to kill my underling,"

"Oh it's a good excuse for me, that's my property they want to capture for the Turf War, don't be hypocrite Mr. Fisk you are just like me getting angry for these kind of reason, it's their bad luck they just choose the wrong building to capture and it backfired at them very bad, which loses their heads," Brian showing his anger by gritting his fanged teeth.

Wilson Fisk scowled," Are you threatening me Mr. Hanby?"

"No I'm not Mr. Fisk why should I threaten If I could do it with my action,"

"We shall see Mr. Hanby, I could just order the police to arrest you and throw you at a Mutant Prison"

"You would find that hard Mr. Fisk"

"Why's that?" Wilson Fisk Spat

"I am protected, that higher than a police force can tangle with Mr. Fisk" Brian spat back

Two of them just stared at each other unflinchingly, then a voice cut their stare off.

"Ok could you two stop that its getting me uneasy from your stare off, it's like you want to initiate an angry sex in front of me on this table which horrified me that I imagine that, we should go for the demands to start the Truce," Weasel interrupting their stare off.

They both snap out and Kingpin sighed," I'm an honourable man Weasel, I will take 80% you looted from my sub-vault because I know my hacker steal your money that started this war, and 45% from what you stole from my shipment container, it's a fair deal isn't it?"

Weasel just mulling about the deal and considered it," It's a deal Mr Fisk, so anything else?"

The Asian man speaks," Greetings Weasel I'm Murakami one of the finger leader of the HAND, I attended this meeting here to asked you why did you denied the hand information about the powerful individual that defeated the Rhino and killed one of my most trusted men Nobu Yoshioka, even we offer a big sum of money that can cost you of a lifetime 5 days ago?" The Kingpin was intrigue even the Russian guy is written on his face that he want to know it too. While Brian is gritting his teeth about the audacity of this HAND try to find his mate, he was hit by elbow to his side by weasel to not show emotion.

"Let's just say I'm more scared about the one protecting the individual and the powerful individual itself is one of my friends Mr. Murakami, you sure understand that?"

"Then who is the one protecting their identity and information Weasel?"

"I can't say that Mr. Murakami, I'll vanish without a trace if I reveal it to you, but I will just say that they are more higher than CIA and even they could listening to our conversation, because they don't like their assets to be taken out of their radar," Weasel said it with frightened voice.

Murakami scowled and with suspicion of what Weasel said to him "Is that so Weasel, then that's all"

Weasel was dumbfounded," You don't want the containers we steal from you?"

Murakami controlled his expression and stared and smiled at Weasel," No we don't, those containers worth are just extremely nominal compared to my Organization's wealth, My main reason here is just for the individual you are hiding, which I'm disappointed that you don't even reveal even a bit,"

"Then be disappointed more, he already know that you want to find him, because of your subordinate failure to capture him" Murakami winces that this will be more difficult to find their person of interest.

Weasel look at the Russian guy and he knows him," Anatoly Rashnakov, how's life?

"Fuck off Weasel just give me all the remaining amount of the containers you steal!"

"Oh Temper Temper, you look like needed a vodka from your tone, that will not do it~" Weasel mock him, "Hah! this will easy one, this Russian punk can't even touched me, just need to be careful about his brother though"

"Fuck you Weasel!"

"Oh hell naw, I'm not interested on guys, say that to my subordinate here Brian" Which weasel earn a slap on the head from Brian," Oh geez relax you can't take a joke~" Brian just grunted and looked around.

"I have a counter offer for you, Russian punk, I will give you 20% of the containers and that's it, I can have all the remaining funds seems an insane amount you will given back~" Weasel is just smiling inside from this outcome. "Come on take the bait, and get killed commie bastard"

"Fucking no! You piece of a shit!, you know what I will kill you right now with your subordinate so I can collect what you steal!" Anatoly threaten Weasel and Brian, he pulls out a gun to weasel direction, Kingpin stare in disappointment to Anatoly," Anatoly! Stop this idiocy, you are making this meeting useless,"

"I don't care, we don't want to be your underlings anymore, we are always getting the scraps from this deals!" Anatoly yelled at Wilson Fisk and pointed his gun at him," Or I will kill you too right here now you fat fuck!," Wilson Fisk was huffing and getting red on his face from anger, Anatoly was ready to pull the trigger, but was stop by a kitchen knife pierce his hand, thrown by Brian ," aahhh-" Anatoly screamed was cut off when Fisk grab his head and slammed his head to the table making him fall down from the floor then Fisk repeatedly stomp his head completely caving his face, Weasel winces from the brutal display, Murakami just stared with indifference, and Brian just felt satisfaction for that loudmouth getting killed brutally, Wilson fix his tie and suit then he stared at Weasel," Don't worry about this, I will handle this mess," then he stared at Brian," We are not yet finish Mr. Hanby" Brian just grunt and smirk at him" I'll be waiting Mr. Fisk"

Wilson Fisk ordered his men to cleaned up this mess and bid farewell to them and Murakami next one to leave and bids farewell.

"So that happened looks like only Wilson Fisk agree to the truce, but the Hand is still unknown they will be surely getting your bond mate whatever you called, and the Russians are still surely at war, the good thing is Wilson Fisk will be at war at them soon," Weasel rubbed his face from the intense meeting that happen, and he stare at Brian," Brian would you like to eat something we can order now here, I fancy some steak!"

Brian just chuckled and shake his head from weasel diversion," You really want to eat while there is a dead body in this restaurant?"

Weasel just scoffed," That will get cleaned, we could just move from other table, and discuss more plan for the Russian mafia, Anatoly Big Brother surely would like to get revenge,"

"Sure come on let's order something to eat, I haven't eaten since this morning"

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