Chapter 10

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Three weeks have passed and Lisa is thinking about giving up

"You can't give up!" Jisoo shouted over the phone

It was Saturday night and the group was having a video call

"I have been trying for three weeks to get her attention but she just keeps ignoring me," Lisa groaned placing her head in her hands

"Then stop her from ignoring you," Irene said nonchalantly, "Meet her somewhere and don't let her leave till you've told her how good of a friend you are,"

"But I want to be more than a friend,"

"If she doesn't want to be friends with you girlfriends ain't gonna happen," Seulgi added

"You can do it, Lisa!" Jisoo cheered

After they talked for another hour they bid their goodnights and hung up


Monday morning came fast for the blonde, she hopped out of bed and did her morning routine, she put on a pair of jean shorts and a yellow crop top, the weather was supposed to be hot

Lisa was excited because today was the day she was going to win the friendship of the brunette

Aftere she gave Leo a kiss on top of his head and put her shoes on at the door she made her way to school

"Hey, Lalice, Looking hot," Seulgi greeted, Irene elbowed her in the side, "You too, babe," She kissed her girlfriend on the cheek

"It's so hot," Jisoo complained laying her head on the picnic table

"What's your plan?" Irene asked ignoring Jisoo's complaint

"I'm going to do what you suggest, I need to clear this up if I have any chance of dating her, I'm going to get  her attention when she leaves her classroom before lunch, I've already texted Rosé telling her what I'm doing,"

"Wow, Rosé is on your side? She has pretty much given you her marriage blessing," Jisoo teased, "When's the wedding?" She wiggled her eyebrows

"Does Rosé know about your feelings for Jennie?" Irene asked

"No, I only told her I'm going to make up with Jennie-,"

"Make out," Seulgi coughed

Lisa glared at the older, "I'm going to make up with Jennie and prove I can be a good friend that won't leave her,"

"Just a friend?" Seulgi asked smirking

"We'll get to dating if we get to it, if being her friend is the only thing I can be then so be it," The blonde shrugged earning 'awe' from her friends

The bell went off the group dispersed


First-period, the only period Lisa had with Seulgi and Jennie, was just like it had been for the past three weeks

Everytime her and Jennie made eye contact Jennie would immediately look away with a scoff

Sometimes Lisa couldn't understand why Jennie was being so mean after what happened at her house but other times she knew

Someone waltzes onto your life and asks you why you don't have friends and push everyone away you would be upset too

Lisa looked behind her shoulder and made eye contact with Seulgi who gave her a thumbs up and smiled


Lisa's classes passed slower than usual, once the lunch bell went off Lisa dashed out of her class to make it Jennie before the brunette went off to lunch

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