Chapter 28

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Jennie stepped outside the bathroom with a sigh

"What's the matter, baby?"

Jennie rolled her eyes and started walking back to the cafeteria

"Hey, baby, why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not your baby," The brunette growled, turning to face the person speaking

"Hey, need to get aggressive," The person raised their hands in surrender

Jennie rubbed the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb, "What do you want, Kai? I already broke up with you; I don't want to get back together with you,"

"Come on, Jennie, I said sorry, I sent you flowers and teddy bears,"

"And I sent them right back with 'fuck you' scribbled on every card," Her patience was wearing thin

"Look, I'm sorry I cheated on you, okay! You weren't giving me what I needed, so I had to turn to someone else; boys have needs!" Kai shouted

"Hold up," Jennie raised her hand to signal Kai to stop talking, "You cheated on me?"

"I thought you knew? I thought that was why you broke up with me?"

"No! I broke up with you because you were flirting with every girl you came across! But now that I know you were cheating on me, that gives me a greater reason not to take you back!" The brunette was getting frustrated with the boy, and to find out he had been cheating on her made the brunette even angrier, "And besides, I'm dating Lisa. I don't need you,"

"You mean the broke bitch? Come on, Jennie, you need a real man; I can give you anything, unlike Lisa, who can barely afford a house, come back to me, baby,"

Hearing those words fall out of Kai's mouth made Jennie clench her jaw and her fists; she badly wanted to sock him in the face; she wanted to shove those words down his throat.


Lisa had been starring at the door Jennie had exited, when the brunette had left the cafeteria, the raven girl just assumed she had gone to the bathroom, but it had been some time since she left and Lisa was close to getting up and looking for the brunette

"Hey, are you okay, Lisa?" Irene asked as she munched on a tomato

Lisa jumped, startled by the sudden, talking, "What?"

"I said, are you okay? You've been starring at the cafeteria door for the past 10 minutes,"

It's been 10 minutes since Jennie left? Where the hell is she?

Irene sighed, "I don't know why you're so worried about Jennie; she went to the bathroom, she's fine, but if you feel so inclined and your heart won't rest until she comes back, go find her,"

The brunette didn't have to say it twice; when those words fell from her mouth, Lisa was already out the door. The raven girl didn't know why, but there was this unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach

Lisa was walking straight to the bathroom when she heard talking; it sounded like a small quarrel, so she didn't pay much attention until she heard her name. Growing curious, she decided to take a peek, just a small one. Lisa was never one to get into drama, so she didn't want to stick around too long, that was until she saw the quarrel was between her girlfriend and her girlfriend's ex. She didn't have to spend to much time wondering what they were talking about because soon the raven girl was called a 'broke bitch' by Kai

"You mean the broke bitch? Come on, Jennie, you need a real man; I can give you anything, unlike Lisa, who can barely afford a house, come back to me, baby,"

Till Death Do Us Part {Jenlisa}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang